3 Ways to help your long-distance relationship last.
They say that you don’t step into love, you fall into it; head over heals! Since love so often sneaks up on us, every once in a while two people will find themselves falling in love even though they are separated by physical distance. Maintaining and nurturing a long distance relationship can be really tough, but it is doable. Here are a few tips to help long distance love birds:
1. Set upfront expectations- One of the first things that you need to do when you are considering entering into a long distance relationship is to establish upfront expectations. If you both aren’t on the same page about what is expected then it will be really easy for things to fall apart. For instance if you are just starting to develop feelings for someone that lives in another city then you are going to need to speak with them and decide whether or not you want to see other people in the meantime or if you want to make your relationship exclusive. If you are going to be exclusive then you need to decide how and when you are going to see each other and what you are hoping/expecting to get out of the relationship.
2. Visit when possible- Another things that you can do to maintain a long distance relationship is to make it a point to visit whenever possible. If you are several hours apart then you need to find a routine that works for your budget and for your schedule so that you can spend some time together. Trying to develop a relationship while spending months apart is difficult and for many couples doesn’t end up working. If, however, you can see each other every other week or at least once a month it will be much easier for you to keep the relationship moving and continue to develop your feelings for each other.
3. Talk it out- If you are in a long distance relationship then you will undoubtedly face a lot of challenges that are unique to your relationship. If you want your relationship to be successful and to last then you need to do a good job at talking often. You may not be able to speak with one another every single day, but it is a good idea to set aside time whenever you can so that you can talk regularly on the phone or via the Internet. Also, when things get tough and you are feeling the strain of the distance on your relationship you need to be open about these feelings and talk with your partner about them. They are most likely going through the same thing and talking things out can help you to feel reassured that things are going to work out.
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