When the Rules Change

Jul 31


Dr. Dennis W. Neder

Dr. Dennis W. Neder

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What happened? Things were going great between them and now she rejects her kiss. Doc Dennis shows him where he made his biggest mistake.


I’ve been seeing this girl for 3 weeks now. We recently bumped into each other at a get together and were childhood sweethearts - big crushes on each other!

Just a few days ago we where at a bar and her roommate introduced her to a friend and he instantly started hitting on her,When the Rules Change Articles right in front of me! I waited until he left and told her that it was very uncomfortable for me and asked her if she even wanted me there. We went home that night together, but she didn't say a word, and I just slept there – nothing happened.

The next morning she made it seem like everything was alright, but when she gave me a ride home I went for the hug and kiss as we have done a few times before but she backed off on the kiss, and didn't say anything and just took off.

One day things where going great the next she's giving me the hint of not wanting anything! What's the reason for this? Do you think she's just scared of getting involved with someone ?


No, this has nothing to do with being scared of getting involved.

What probably happened was that when she was introduced to this guy and he started hitting on her with you right there, you looked like a pussy to her since you did nothing to deflect this "game buster" (from my book, "Being a Man in a Woman's World II".) This guy just totally stole your game!

Then, you came off as even weaker by asking her if she even wanted you there!

It's your job to protect your own turf! If you had stood up to him and not let him weasel into your game like that, she'd have been very impressed and trust me, you'd be getting than just a good-night kiss!

What you need to understand is that almost all women want to feel love. In order to feel love however, they have to feel safe and secure. Do you think that just leaving this girl out to fend for herself makes her feel safe and secure? Of course not.

She lost respect for you at that instant and because of it, also lost interest in you.

Don't EVER let some other guy (or girl for that matter - not even her own friends) come in and bust up your game with any girl!

Best regards...


Have a love, dating, relationship, sex or man/woman question? You can write to me by going to: http://beingaman.com/ask_question.asp for answers. For more information about my books, "Being a Man in a Woman's Worldtm" (volumes I and II), and other products visit: www.beingaman.com. Check out the new BAM! TV at http://beingaman.tv.

Copyright (c) 2008, Dr. Dennis W. Neder

All rights reserved.

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