eBook Reader Devices Aren't For Everyone - Here's Why
With ebook reading devices taking off in popularity and demand, many of those who still don't own one are prompted to ask "Should I get an ebook reader?" The choice is always yours. Here are some reasons why the answer to that question could be yes... or no.
It seems like everywhere you turn there is a new,
improved, and much fancier ebook reader device out there. You might be tempted to whip out your credit card right away, but is it really worth it? Some people think you're better off without them.The first major problem with these readers is the initial cost. While you can save money in the long run because the books are usually priced so low, the readers themselves are expensive. In fact, you'd be hard-pressed to find a really good one for under $200. That's just way too much money for the average person to spend when they could pick up the latest hardback for $25.Another issue many people have is the feeling that reading on an electronic screen simply isn't like reading a real book! There is really something to be said for the way a book feels in your hand. There is something special about the way it smells and looks. Putting the pages on an electronic screen doesn't have the same effect.Finally, a major reason you might consider getting one of these ebook readers in the first place is because you travel frequently or are always on the go. It is pretty convenient to be able to take so many books with you, but you might run out of batteries at the worst time! While you can always trust your handy paperback to be there when you need it, you can't trust an electronic device. What's going to happen when the battery dies or the data gets wiped out somehow?The good news for ebook reader fans is that there are ways around these things if you want the reader bad enough. For instance, if you plan your battery usage ahead or bring an extra one you'll be pretty safe. Also, many ebook companies you buy from will keep your purchases safe on their servers as well as on your device. There are also many pluses that come along with being an ebook owner. It is often convenient to have with you when you need it. The readers also come with many features that make reading the book, taking notes, saving your place, buying new books, and other 'book lover' activities easier than ever. Still, ebook readers are simply not right for everyone.How are you going to make your choice? It's easy if you weigh your priorities. Consider whether or not you can afford a device, and if you're a fan of technology or tradition. It's often the case that the two can work seamlessly together!While you can rest assured that there will be a steady flow of tempting new ebook readers released, you can always wait until the time is right for you. If you are ready to get a new reader right now, you'll be pleased to know that the readers of today are far more advanced and user-friendly than they were in the past.Are ebook reader devices right for you? Learn more about them and get reviews of the latest readers such as the sony book reader vs kindle.