20 Ways To Boost Your Traffic And Sales With eBooks

Jan 31


Chris Towland

Chris Towland

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Please feel free to publish this article and resource box in
your ezine,20 Ways To Boost Your Traffic And Sales With eBooks Articles newsletter, offline publication or website.
A copy would be appreciated at chris@webinvaders.com

20 Ways To Boost Your Traffic And Sales With

1. People love to get free stuff. A free eBook is
perfect. They will visit your web site to get the
free valuable information.

2. Give away the full version of your eBook in
exchange for testimonials. You can use these
customer statements to improve your ads'

3. When you write and give away a free eBook
you will become known as an expert. This will
gain people's trust and they will buy your main
product or service quicker.

4. Publish your web site in eBook format. Put the
eBook on a disk or CD-ROM then include it
with your direct mail packages. This can increase
the number of people that buy your product or

5. Offer your eBook as a free bonus for buying
one of your main products or services. People
will buy the product or service more often when
you offer a free bonus.

6. Allow people to download your eBook for
free, if they give the e-mail addresses of 3 to 5
friends or associates that would be interested in
your eBook. This will quickly build your e-mail

7. Create a directory of web sites in eBook form.
List peoples web sites in the directory that will
agree to advertise the eBook on their web site or
e-zine. This will give them an incentive to give
away or advertise your eBook.

8. Allow other people to give away your free
eBook. This will increase the number of people
that will see your ad in the eBook. You could
also include a mini catalog of all your product or
services that you offer in the eBook.

9. Gain new leads by having people sign up and
give you their contact information before they can
download your eBook. This is a very effective
way to conduct market research.

10. Make money selling advertising space in your
eBook. You could charge for full page color ads,
classified ads or banners ads. You could also
trade advertising space in your eBook for other
forms of advertising.

11. Give away the eBook as a gift to your current
customers as a way of letting them know you
appreciate their business. Place an ad in the eBook
for a new back end product you're offering

12. Get free advertising by submitting your eBook
to freebie and freeware/shareware web sites. This
will increase the number of people that will down-
load your eBook and see your ad.

13. Make money by selling the reprint rights to
those that would like to sell the eBook. You could
also make even more money by selling the master
rights. This would allow other people to sell the
reprint rights.

14. Hold a contest on your web site so people
can win your eBook. You'll get free advertising
by submitting your contest ad to free contest or
sweepstakes directories.

15. You will gain valuable referrals from people
telling others about your eBook. Word of mouth
advertising can be very effective.

16. Make money cross promoting your eBook
with other people's products or services. This
technique will double your marketing effort with-
out spending more time and money on your part.

17. Increase your e-zine subscribers by giving
away your eBook to people that subscribe to
your e-zine. This will give people an incentive to
subscribe. Allow your e-zine subscribers to also
give it away to multiply your subscribers.

18. Give away the eBook to people that join your
affiliate program. This will increase the number of
people that sign-up. You could also create an
eBook for them to use that will help them promote
your product or service.

19. Give away the eBook in exchange for people
leaving their contact information. This will help you
follow-up with the prospects who buy your main
product or service.

20. Offer a free eBook that contains a couple
of sample chapters. If they like it, give them the
option of ordering the full version. It would work
just like a software demo or shareware.

If you don't have an ebook of your own that you can
use for the techniques listed above then a great
resource for hundreds and hundreds of ebooks that you
can give away or sell can be found at:

Chris Towland 2005

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