Still think ebooks are the best information product format. Find out why small reports are better than ebooks and should be your choice for easy, profitable info products to sell online.
Selling your own information products online is an excellent way to make money. But the thought of writing, packaging and selling an ebook has many people running scared. Frankly, the whole process seems overwhelming. But that's OK, because there is a much simpler (and often times more profitable) way to sell information than writing a 100-200 page ebook. It's called small reports!
Imagine writing small reports on very specific topics. Can you get your point across in 7-15 pages? Yes. All of a sudden the project doesn't seem so daunting after all.
OK, confession time...
When I first wanted to build an online business I decided to write and sell an ebook in the fitness niche. I spent 3 months writing a 285 page ebook. Then I spent a lot longer figuring out how to package and set up a website to sell the ebook. And all this before I saw my first penny!
Now don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for the experience. And honestly, I still make a lot of money from that first ebook. But if I had to start over (or help someone new to the information product business online), I would definitely NOT recommend starting out with such a huge project.
Very few people I know have the discipline, time or money to spend 3-6 months on a project without any guarantee of seeing any money at the end of the ordeal. Most people I know of just wouldn't make it that far. And frankly, there is no reason they should have to endure such a struggle.
Small reports are better, and I'm going to give you my top 4 reasons why...
REASON 1: Small Reports Are Easier To Produce.
It's just common sense, writing 7-15 pages is easier than writing 100-200 pages. But not only that, I feel your end up with a better product. Instead of a lot of pages about a broad topic, keeping it short forces you to only include the really important information. Who out there hasn't read a 150 page ebook who thought the important information could have been conveyed in 10 pages? If so, you're lucky. So not only are small reports easier to write, but you get a tighter, better product to sell.
REASON 2: Small Reports Are Faster To Produce.
I don't know about you, but when I work hard I want to see money as soon as possible. And let me tell from experience, working months on HOPE is not fun. It is very stressful. So, cut down the stress and take the shortcut to seeing your first sale by keeping the production time down to a minimum. Depending on your writing and selling abilities, you can literally go from start to PROFIT in a week or two!
REASON 3: Small Reports Are Less Risk.
Regardless of whether you are writing a small report or a large ebook, you should make sure you are writing about something people will pay to read. ALWAYS write for a market of buyers. But even if you do all your homework beforehand, mistakes happen. And I sure would like to find out I made a mistake after two weeks and little work than after 6 months of grueling toil!
REASON 4: This is the big one. Small Reports Can Be More Profitable.
I know what you're thinking... "what"? It's true, and I'll tell you why. When you write an ebook, you look for a niche to write to. You want to find a niche where there are plenty of people waiting to buy your information product, but where you don't have a lot of competition. And the way the Internet is these days... good luck.
But when you write small reports you can go into BIG markets and write specialized reports. Don't look for small markets with no competition. Look for large markets and provide specialized information that doesn't have a lot of competition. If you do this, your small report can become very popular and have people lining up (cybernetically speaking) to buy!
If you've been thinking about creating your own information products, but have been nervous about committing to a large ebook project, small reports are a great alternative!
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