Setting up a blog is generally a matter of following some online steps. The first thing any blogger (business or personal) needs to do is to find a blogging host. This could be a stand alone like Zanga or Blogger or a part of a social media site like MySpace or FaceBook. You will need to register with a typical user name and password. From this point on you will need to pay attention to the instructions the blog site provides.
Setting up a blog is generally a matter of following some online steps. The first thing any blogger (business or personal) needs to do is to find a blogging host. This could be a stand alone like Zanga or Blogger or a part of a social media site like MySpace or FaceBook.
You will need to register with a typical user name and password. From this point on you will need to pay attention to the instructions the blog site provides.
In most cases you can upload photos and most blog sites will also allow you to place audio and video in your blog. Most of the time this is placed as embedded link. This means that the link to the audio video or picture is placed on the blog from a secondary hosting source.
Unless you pay for blog space the blogging company will generally place a limit on the amount of space you can use to host files on their site. This is why the blogging site will not host most audio and video. Most bloggers will use video sites like YouTube to present any video clips they might want.
Photos can be stored at a site like Photobucket and then placed with an embedded link so the photo will show up on the site.
You will also be allowed to manage friends, comments and posts from your main page. Your profile can be edited or modified to include new achievements or events and the color scheme of your blog can also be adapted to express your personal taste.
Many blogging sites make Real Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds available as well to allow others to be advised when you post new material on your blog.
Many existing websites will have a page that is linked to the blog or frame the blog so site visitors can view their blog entries directly from the primary website. This can be important especially if the primary site is also a business website.
Blogging is just one of several marketing tools that can be integrated directly into an existing website design.
Most blogging sites will allow you to remove old blogs and edit existing ones whenever you need to.
In most cases the only individuals who can post comments are those who have registered with the blogging site. This is done for the protection of the company as well as the blogger. If a threat or malicious comment is made in response to your blog the blogging company can contact the poster or work with authorities if needed to find the person who made the comment. If no registration was required for blog comments then anyone could post their thoughts in your blog no matter how potentially harmful or threatening.
The next step is to actually post a blog entry. These can be general stream of consciousness thoughts or they could be more direct and informational.
Expect blog visits to be slow at first. When you develop several you will find visitation will increase and there will also be the expectation that you can and will provide new material to view on a regular basis.
Blogging can be a great way to add a personal touch to a personal or business website and can help customers and friends capture a sense of your humanity.
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