Have You Read So Much That It Seems Like You Will Have Info Running Out Through Your Ears?

Aug 12


Sven Hyltén-Cavallius

Sven Hyltén-Cavallius

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If you are anything like most people starting out online, this article may be among the most useful that you will come across.I have myself read a lot...


If you are anything like most people starting out online,Have You Read So Much That It Seems Like You Will Have Info Running Out Through Your Ears? Articles this article may be among the most useful that you will come across.
I have myself read a lot of stuff on the internet, lots of it have been of the highest quality there is.
Here it is easy to fall into the trap of becoming obsessed with finding new great information, learning lots of new and cool things and methods that when applied would make your business take off for real!
So far it sounds like the greatest tactic of all time, but here is the catch!!! How much of the 60+ pages e-book that you read yesterday do you remember? -Exactly, you remember some things but most of them are forgotten!
And to be honest, how much of the book you read 2 weeks ago? not much I reckon!

So my question is why read so much if I forget most of it before I can put it to action?
My own experience of this is being afraid of failure, and thinking that something bad may happen if I go into business without being well prepared. But what I figured out was that doing nothing and forgetting most of what I have read is a much graver problem than what I would have gotten if I'd tried something that was not working and learnt from my mistake and made the changes that needed to be done in order to fix it. -By doing so, I would get both the benefits of taking action and the experience obtained from learning while developing your business.

I do not want to discourage reading altogether, though what I hope to accomplish is that next time that you think of reading an e-book or an article, ask yourself, do I really need to have this information to grow my business or do I read it just in case to avoid making mistakes. If you are reading something just as a precaution. -Stop doing this, it takes more time and is less useful that trying to solve the problem by doing what first comes to your mind, and reading only when it is needed to take your business forward.

So what I am trying to say is that; No matter how great knowledge you have obtained online, and your level of intelligence or willingness to learn, you will get nowhere by reading e-books by the score!
Nobody has ever gotten successful online from just reading books.
There is no way of avoiding it, so I will say it loud and clear: If you want to succeed online there are no magic, the only way to get anywhere at all is by taking action!
You need to know what you want to achieve, and you need to sit down and plan step by step how you want to reach your goal.

This is not just putting up a website and draw traffic and sell a product, That does not qualify as it does not tell you exactly what you need to do (it is a sketching spiced with some magical thinking), your plan needs to be detailed and include what you need to overcome and what you have to achieve step by step.
So no matter where you are, if you get the question what are you doing and what is the next step, you can give a good answer. Your plan will tell you what you need to do daily, what are your goals this week/month/year.
If you start with making you plan and follow it through, you will be in the best position to succeed where most people are failing.

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