Profiting from your opt-in list is essential for online business success. All the success stories attribute having a responsive list as a key ingredient to making money online. Here are 3 tips to help you build and list, and profit from email marketing.
Building an opt-in list is a tiresome bore. And creating a responsive list takes effort. Well that may be true. But sooner or later you realize you need a responsive, profitable list if you want to maximize your online business profits. So you better get started building one, or making the one you have start paying you cash.
If you've read any success stories or articles on online business success, you probably notice one thing they all have in common. They have an opt-in list, and the list responds to their mailings. And every time someone responds, that's money in the bank!
So, you finally realize YOU need a responsive list to get the big profits. But most people find starting a list, getting people to subscribe and actually getting people to respond to your offers is easier said than done.
So, here are some tips for both those of you who have started a list and failed to see profit, and those who are just starting out. (Don't forget to look in my resource box for a link to 21 free tips to rake in more cash with any size opt-in list.)
Tip 1: It's not the size of the list that matters, but your relationship with the list.
It is important to have as many subscribers on your list as possible. But it is more important to build a relationship with your list. They've trusted you enough to subscribe and seek more information from you. Don't let them down... deliver the goods and prove yourself as an expert in the field.
Once you build a relationship with your list, they will trust you more and be more willing to act on your recommendations, or purchase your products.
Tip 2: Only recommend the very best solution for your subscriber's problems.
Most people are seeking solutions. They've come across you as a possible expert that knows more than they do about the given subject. PROVE you are an expert by investing your time, effort and money into uncovering the very best solution to the problem.
Don't bombard your list with any and every solution you come across. Prove you have their best interest at heart and show you are a leader in the field by giving them the very best recommendations!
Tip 3: You don't have to reinvent the wheel here... just follow what the other marketers are doing that are successfully profiting from their lists... so do what they do!
Look, if you're like me you join lists. Some of them I stay on because the list owner provides great information and builds a relationship with me. Others, I unsubscribe because I'm just getting hit with one offer after another. And there is a valuable lesson to be learned from this... build a list that YOU would like to stay subscribed to.
And if you find that one of the list owners you like actually TEACHES how to profit from opt-in list marketing... jump all over it and learn from them! When I stopped trying to figure everything out on my own and started following proven list marketing methods, my profits soared.
I'm not going to lie to you. Building a responsive and profitable list won't happen overnight and you have to work at it. But you'll find that building a list, growing your relationship with your list and respecting your list is the best way to build a real Internet business that stuffs your bank account with cash.
Isn't that what you want from your opt-in list?
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