Do You Want To Join The 1% Of Successful Online Marketers? Then become a Kung-Fu Master!

Dec 17


Steve Cowley

Steve Cowley

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This article encourages prospective online marketers to take time to learn the business properly, rather than rushing from one "Instant Wealth" scheme to another. It draws a parallel with devolping "Kung Fu" in the Martial Arts - an excellence gained over time and with great personal effort.


Copyright (c) 2008 Steve Cowley

I don't know for sure what percentage of people trying to make money on the Internet actually succeed. I doubt if it's much higher than 1%. That would mean about 99 people in every 100 meet with little or no success. And with it go their dreams,Do You Want To Join The 1% Of Successful Online Marketers? Then become a Kung-Fu Master! Articles energy, and money!

I suspect that part of the reason for this high failure rate is the promise of "Instant" rewards that is so prevalent online. We've all had the e-mails: "Earn $10,000 In Just Four Weeks"! The promises of high returns without too much personal effort simply attract the wrong type of person - people looking for a free lunch. The only person likely to get rich out of these schemes is the seller!

Building any type of business, online or not, takes time, perseverance, and massive action. There is no free lunch!

The term "Kung Fu" is synonymous with Chinese Martial Arts. In fact the term simply means an excellence which is achieved over time through hard work and great personal effort. A chef can have "kung fu", as can a gardener. It is this quality that you need to develop if you are going to succeed on the Internet.

You are building a business over time, with your personal effort and energy being the price you pay. There are ways to make the process less costly though! The easiest is: Copy Your Way to Success!

Every now and then someone comes up with an idea so revolutionary, so unconventional, that it a redefines totally a business area. Walt Disney did it with his theme parks; Henry Ford did it for the car industry. But such originality is extremely rare; if you have it you certainly don't need to be reading this!

For most people there is a simple formula for achieving success in any business: find someone who's already successful in that area and copy them! Do exactly what they do (which isn't always what they say they do) and you will be successful too. This is equally true of online businesses too.

The question then becomes one of trust. Who among the many hundreds of "successful" entrepreneurs do you follow?

The first step is: get yourself an education! I'm not talking about a High School diploma either. Learn as much as you can about Internet Market generally, before you work on your own specific niche.

All businesses survive or fall on the customers they attract. No customers, no business! In order to make money on the Internet, you need to know how to send qualified visitors to the products you want them to buy. Basically it's really that simple! But simple isn't always easy!

You may have to contact thousands of potential visitors, in order to persuade 10 to visit your site, in order for one to "buy"! Unless you are very careful you can lose a lot of money just trying to make this happen. This is where a solid education comes into its own; it can save you from making really costly mistakes that wipe out your enthusiasm and your finances!

Take time to learn the skills necessary for success. Develop your online business from a sound base and it will serve you well. Rush around from one "Get Rich Quick" scheme to another and you will end up broke and dispirited. Remember you want to be a Kung Fu Master in online business!