Dot Com Millions To Small Business Inginuity Part Two

Aug 30


Aurelio Aranda

Aurelio Aranda

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Free internet marketing techniques and the motivation to get it done


Copyright (c) 2007 Aurelio Aranda

Small business ingenuity,Dot Com Millions To Small Business Inginuity Part Two Articles what is it? If you look up ingenuity that it is originality, skill and the quality of being ingenious.

Small business is a business that has very few persons running things usually from 1-10 and usually with a very small budget. In this day and age it is all about the wonderful home office. Yes, a spot that you can get in the game and report to during your own business hours.

Now the small business of choice with me is definitely Network Marketing or MLM. Who is asking why?

Are you kidding me, ahh... It is because it's a no brainer for most business people, put forth a little effort daily and leverage that time for a bright future that pays you for your past work. What about leverage, have you ever said the saying that it is better to get paid on the efforts of others than my own. In what other business can you start and immediately have all the tax advantages as any small business owner, work when and where you want and with whom you want. Becoming wealthy is all about building valuable assets and that is what a mature network marketing organization is. (Even a growing one.)

If there is anyone out their reading this article that still questions the ethics and business practices of network marketing, I mean really, If anyone questions the legitimacy of this non traditional direct to the market place approach, pay attention

Did you know that the second richest man in the world bought a network marketing company. In fact Warren Buffet recently liked the concept so much he purchased 3. So do you still think we are under a close watch? Of course we are, on wall street where stock from network marketing companies keep rising while others are falling.

But here is my position, when you can create a system that is teachable and duplicable that truly marries network marketing with true internet marketing the leverage is so much greater...

The possibilities are endless. People that have learned what it takes to become successful on the internet will understand the potential as everyone should. The internet in network marketing is a way to leverage what you already have as leverage. That is other people and their abilities. Have you ever heard of "other peoples money"? Well how about profiting from other peoples time and efforts?

Here is the "Scoop", you need to build and sustain assets as opposed to liabilities to get wealthy. The way I see it, most businesses can be or can become major liabilities. Look at overhead and profit. What happens when you open a business? For the most part in a traditional setting, people just go into debt when starting a business. Hence my reasoning behind the notion that traditional business without the key element of "leverage" , is and most cases a liability.

Lets face it, everyone knows that todays trend is business on the internet and most of us have no clue how to capitalize even if we already have a business. In network marketing most of us networkers are the same way. We end up listening to our sponsors and we talk to the people we know , maybe even send them to our website and then we buy a lead list so we have new people to talk to. don't get me wrong , this is a perfect way for a beginner to have a constant way to promote ones business but, have you ever heard the old saying that it is better to teach a man to fish than to feed them for a day?

What if you knew how to not only produce your own leads using the internet but you could effectively promote your opportunity or product so well that people would join you in business without even you having to call them up? Yes now we are talking about making your mark in a "Dot Com" world.

This my friends is the concept of the future. Think about it this way, how do you think all the lead companies that we have all purchased from is producing those leads? How about the fact that they know how to market on the internet in a way that produces those leads and then they turn around and market to you and I so that we can buy those leads.

The asset that the lead companies as well as those of us who

how to produce those leads is the simple "know-how" when it comes to internet marketing. If it is leverage that you are looking for and a desire to truly find a way to market better online then seek the information you need and learn from people who have pioneered there way through to internet marketing genius. Build your name in your small business with very little overhead and the leverage that the internet provides. There is always help rite around the corner. You can search and seek the world in todays dot com society and find the answers to your success. Always find a way to leverage and you will never lack. to your future.