February has always been celebrated as a month of romance in many cultures around the world. And on February 14 every year, Valentine’s Day is celebrated. It is also known as the festival of romance and on the occasion people expresses their love and feelings for each other with heart-shaped chocolates, flowers, greeting cards and other gifts.
For a long time in human history, February has been celebrated as a month of romance in many cultures. Compared to this the celebrations on February 14 or Valentine’s Day is more recent but its origins are still mired in controversy. The present day celebrations contain vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. The Christian roots of the festival can be traced back to the liturgical celebration of a Christian saint named Valentine. While others considered the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalia to be the precursor of modern Valentine’s Day. Lupercalia was a festival of fertility and it was celebrated on the 15th of February every year. But it was the famous English poet Geoffrey Chaucer who associated the day with romantic love in the “Parlement of Foules” which was published in the year 1382.
During Chaucer’s time in the High Middle Ages, the tradition of courtly love flourished and Valentine’s Day became linked to romance. Later in 18th-century England, the day evolved into an occasion when people started presenting flowers, offering confectionery, and sending greeting cards which were also known as “valentines.” And in other countries around Europe, Saint Valentine's Keys were given to lovers as a romantic symbol or as a literary or symbolic invitation to unlock the giver’s heart. They were also believed to ward off epilepsy which was also known as Saint Valentine's Malady. Many of the symbols have still remained in association with Valentine's Day, and heart-shaped outlines doves, and the figures of the winged angel Cupid are conventional symbols of the occasion today. But with the onset of time the handwritten valentines have given way to factory-made greeting cards.
Although not a public holiday, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many countries throughout the world today. The 14 of February every year has now become a much awaited day for lovers worldwide. Also known as the festival of romance, on the occasion of Valentine’s Day people expresses their love and feelings for each other with heart-shaped chocolates, flowers, greeting cards and other gifts.
Gifting is always an enriching experience for both the receiver and the giver. And there is no other occasion like Valentine’s Day to be more romantic with Gifts for Her on Valentines. Gifts are tokens of love and meant for the ones we love. Searching for special Valentine Day gift ideas for her can be exciting with the idea held firmly in mind that she is going to appreciate your efforts and love you more for it. The more special the gifts the more special she will feel.
Honoring a girl or lady we love with Valentine Gift Items for heris one of the most romantic things we can do on the occasion. We can always go for the safe and classic choice of flowers, chocolates and greeting cards but doing something extra special for her would definitely be the icing on the cake. It is not the price and value of the gifts, but the thoughts and feelings behind it that counts. One can always get inspiration and other ideas from the internet. The efforts and time you have invested in getting a truly heartfelt and unique gift just for her will make your special one feel like a queen. Valentine’s Day this year will be the most special and memorable for her with your special gifts.
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As Valentine's day is right around the corner, lovers around the world are in a hurry to decide what to get their loved ones to prove just how much they care about each other. While some are planning romantic dinners and weekend getaways, some look to take a nostalgia trip and revisit old favourites, be it watching the first movie they watched together, going to the first place they kissed etc.4 Meaningful Gifts For Your Friend
People generally buy gifts that their loved ones don’t want or for some reason the gifts are left unattended for a very long time. To make it easier for people, we have come up with gift options which are both thoughtful and leave a durable memory in your loved ones life. The gifts that we have are shopped after browsing the entire web so that you have the choicest collection of gifts for the one you love.