... PAY, WHEN "YOU CAN HAVE IT FOR ... are all sorts of things that we would like to have but we cannot always afford them. That is where Freebees come into play.~
There are all sorts of things that we would like to have but we cannot always afford them. That is where Freebees come into play.
People will tell you that there is no such thing as a 'free lunch.'
I don't know who first said it but it is as true now as it was then.
You can bet your boots that every thing that is on offer for free has a hidden catch.
Internet marketers use freebees in the hope that you will remember who gave it to you and purchase something from them at a later date.
I can't see any thing wrong with that. It's just good business practice.
As I said, there is a reason that they are offered for free. In almost every one of them you will find one or more links to other products or services that the person is promoting.
You are under no obligation to purchase any of these offerings. It is just another form of advertising.
Instead of being bombarded with demands to buy this or buy that, you are given something of value in the hope that you will click on one of their links and purchase something at a later date.
Don't decry the goods just because they are for free.
If they don't give good value, you are not likely to go back and buy from them later.
If you are selling information from your website and you haven't tried it yet, you are probably passing up on one of the strongest marketing strategies available to you.
There are thousands of e-books, reports and various other items out there that are available to you, all for free.
Collect a selection that are compatible with your product and offer them for free when someone buys your main product. Be sure to include a link to another one of your products towards the end of the package. Someone who has purched from you once, is most likely to purchase a 2nd or 3rd item if they were satisfied with the first transaction.
Make sure that they are of real value. Not just a selection of out-of-date trash that is of no use to anyone.
Every thing has a sales value. Let your customers know the retail value of the freebees you are offering. Be honest. There is no need to exaggerate the price.
Over sell. For instance: If you are selling something for $49.99. Offer a bundle of freebees worth $69.99 to go with it. It will cost you no more to offer a big bundle than a small one.
Don't over-do it. A product worth $30.00 with a bundle of freebees worth $150.00 is a little bit over the top.
P S. There have been a number of surveys on pricing, with some interesting results. It would appear that the number seven has a particular magic. People are more likely to purchase an item with a seven at the end. ie. $39.97 rather than $29.99.
I don't know if it is true but I am going to try it.
Robert J Farey
Dig out that virus.
Internet worms.Is your PC ... your computer has become infected with a worm, don’t panic, it is not the end of the ... area number of things that you can ... has a security wAre you getting enough?
Are you getting ... you getting your full share?Is your product ... you a newcomer to ... you working yourself to death trying to make a ... your answer to the firstDo you realy need a Website.
Do you really need to have your own ... you want to sell ... on the ... What are you going to sell? Do you have your own ... one tells us that to make a real success s