How To Deal With Writers Block
Every writer faces this problem at some point or other. Writer's block as a phenomenon involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing, usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity.
Writer's block as a phenomenon involving temporary loss of ability to begin or continue writing,

usually due to lack of inspiration or creativity.Every writer faces this problem at some point or other.On one extreme is a block of serious kinds that author Henry Roth faced for years. This kind is quite rare and is generally associated with mood disorders.A more common type is that comes and goes quickly but still hinders your productivity.Mostly, writer's block lasts between an hour and a week, sometimes over a monthWriters block often strikes without warning. it is quite an unpleasant experience for an author.All of sudden the flow stops.Ideas!Imagination!Words!Everything stops. The spark vanishes.Earlier it was thought to be a natural phenomenon that would resolve on its own. But now a few pointers have been found which can lead to repetitive blocks.Anxiety and depression are few medical causes of wrriter's block.Most commonly writer's block occurs because of irregular writing habits. Social and economic circumstances can be responsible for it too.How to combat writer's block?Schedule It: Schedule your writing and diligently work on that schedule regardless of the quality of the output.Free Writing: It is a kind of writing where you engage in brief periods of writing whatever comes to your mind. It is also called mind writing.Exercises: There are many websites that contain numerous creative writing exercises where writers can read and do an exercise.Relaxation Techniques: Take a break, meditate or do relaxation exercises to relieve any pressure.Learn or Do Something New: Learn a new craft or skill. Read on subject which you are not very well verse. Solve mathematical problems. This creates more neuronal flow and can rekindle the spark that you have been missing.Brainstorming: This can be done in beginning of writing and would help you to connect one idea with another.Get Inspired: Watch a movie, read a story or watch a sport that may burn the fire in you.Most important thing to do in my view is to keep writing regularly.