My great ... said I was too old to learn to use a ... The trouble with the younger ... is that, they think that just because you are getting old, you are also becoming stupid.
My great granddaughter said I was too old to learn to use a computer.
The trouble with the younger generation is that, they think that just because you are getting old, you are also becoming stupid.
At seventy three I suppose I do seem ancient to a twelve year old.
Never mind. I decided to show them by example.
A second hand computer and an old Epson printer cost me £200.00. Evening classes on how to use the internet were free to oldies like me.
I soon had myself set up with ‘Freeserve’ with my very own email address. They call themselves Wannadoo now.
It was not long before I was getting e-mails from hundreds of people and companies that I had never heard of before.
I learned my lesson regarding junk mail. I changed my email account and started all over again.
There was an affiliate program that looked interesting. I kept on getting references to it from various sources. The idea of earning a little extra money to boost my pension was very appealing.
I took the plunge and signed up. They gave me a ready set up web page with everything controlled from the home base. All that I had to do was to advertise the program and the money would come pouring in. (What a hope.)
Two months went by with no income. Just outgoings.
It was then that I discovered a book called ’30 Days to success.’ By Stone Evans. (You can get it for free.) This is one man who knows what he is talking about. It showed me exactly where I was going wrong.
Ten days later I received an e-mail from PayPal to say that two payments had been made into my account, A total of eighty six dollars. Not a great amount but the first of many.
It was not long before I had a steady couple of hundred dollars coming in each month.
It was working because I was working to a system. If you work the system, the system will work for you. (I proved it.)
What will work with one affiliate program will work with others.
I expanded the system by signing up to a new affiliate program every two weeks. I set up my own website with links to each of them. It is easier to advertise one website with links to several affiliate programs, than to advertise each one individually. Besides, using your own website it is easy to capture the email addresses of your prospects and customers so that you have the opportunity to mail them with other offers.
I am affiliated to nine companies at present. I was going to aim for a dozen, but I would rather have more time with my grandchildren and their children than have to work that extra hour each week. After all, I am supposed to be retired.
I can now afford to send the whole family to Disney-land without having to count the cost.
I work about fifteen hours a week and leave the rest to the autoresponder, clickbank and PayPal.
As long as I can find time to reply to my e-mails and make a few other checks I can do whatever I like, when I like.
I can even do it on holiday using my brand new laptop.
If my great granddaughter had not told me that I was too old to learn new tricks in the first place, I would still be counting the pennies and watching television for the rest of my days.
Hurrah! for the younger generation.
You are never too old. I proved it.
Dig out that virus.
Internet worms.Is your PC ... your computer has become infected with a worm, don’t panic, it is not the end of the ... area number of things that you can ... has a security wAre you getting enough?
Are you getting ... you getting your full share?Is your product ... you a newcomer to ... you working yourself to death trying to make a ... your answer to the firstDo you realy need a Website.
Do you really need to have your own ... you want to sell ... on the ... What are you going to sell? Do you have your own ... one tells us that to make a real success s