Do you list car DVD players online? Would you like to transform your eBay listings into lean mean sales conversion machines? Check out this fantastic article for all the tips you will ever need.
Plenty of sellers have tried plenty of different things to make their car DVD player listings on eBay into irresistible sale magnets.
But when it all comes down to it they could lift their sales and increase hits simply by following these three guidelines:
1) Attention to detail
2) Attention to detail
3) Attention to detail
The way to a great listing on eBay is to simply ensure you go into as much detail as possible in every aspect of your listing.
The headlines,

the body-text, the visuals, the peripherals, the support documents, all have to be carefully thought out to ensure your listing is picked up by car enthusiasts and search engines.
The best stores are not always the ones with the best price or the widest range of products, they happen to have the maximum amount of detailing for products they list.
Specifically you have to 'nail' three points to make a great eBay listing for car DVD players.
* The headline
* The photos
* The body
** Creating Headlines That Grab Eyeballs **
A buyer on eBay is faced with an overwhelming variety of products to choose from.
For example: Just the Car DVD section alone has over 12,000 product listings. The buyer will probably choose to look at a few stores based on the headlines that he sees on the listing page.
The headline then becomes equal to your store shop window in the physical world. What you put up there decides if the buyer is going to come in, or bypass you for the store down the line.
The best headlines are descriptive and try to give as much information about the product as possible.
These are some examples of what a typical car DVD headline should look like when listing on eBay:
7" touch-screen DVD Player, Double Din Car Radio Stereo
2-DIN 7 Inch Touch Screen Car Media System and GPS Navigator
Large 7 Inch Touchscreen Bluetooth GPS Car DVD Player (1-DIN)
The advantages of these headlines are two-fold: For the buyer they are incredibly descriptive and give a good idea of what is behind the link.
For the search engines they capture as many of the relevant search words that a buyer might use to get to car DVD players. This ensures higher listing in the search pages.
** Pictures Are Worth A Thousand Words **
If a picture is worth a thousand words, then 10 pictures will go a long way to get the sale made, right?
Pictures are critical to a successful listing. Buyers do not get to touch and feel the product they are purchasing, so it is critical to try and replicate the experience of holding and feeling the item as closely as possible.
This can be done through pictures and, if possible, videos.
You should ideally include shots from of the product face, side back and the look in different positions.
For example: if the screen slots in, then how does the product look with the screen in and out.
Zoom in to show details, like a card reader or a touch-screen app. It is also important to show the accessories and components that come with the package.
** Great Bodies Sell Products **
Apart from the headlines and photographs it is critical that the body text of the car DVD player is as detailed as possible.
Again the reason for detailing is simple: The buyer is not "touching and feeling" the product so more text will reassure them more that they are getting a worthy item.
Text also clearly states what your product can and cannot do.
For example: "Can read VCD, DVD, SVCD", is a clear indicator of the types of discs that can be loaded onto the car DVD player.
Adding FAQs also helps the buyer get all the information in one place.
They also add to the credibility of the site, and help establish you as a person with the relevant product knowledge.
Taking the time to create the perfect pitch will go a long way in ensuring your product stands out among the thousands of listings on eBay.
A buyer will eventually go with the product that appeals to the heart and the mind. The heart is attracted by pictures, while the mind goes for the detailing. Getting both in is a killer combo.