Admitting the Babies to Daycare Administrative Staff

Oct 10




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The new crop of parents is beginning to check in with the daycare administrative staff. First question: How much does it cost? Since often they are first-time parents they don’t have a clue about costs, availability or wait lists. So, armed with the usual list of questions from the professionals’ baby books, they seek information about costs, fill out applications, pay application fees, and make personal visits to the daycares they are interested in. Most of the time they will assume there will be space for their child whenever they want it. Most of the time they will expect to pay for child care only when they use it.

The new crop of parents is beginning to check in with the daycare administrative staff. First question How much does it cost Since often they are first time parents they do not have a clue about costs availability or wait lists.
So armed with the usual list of questions from the professionals baby books they seek information about costs fill out applications pay application fees and make personal visits to the daycares they are interested in. Most of the time they will assume there will be space for their child whenever they want it. Most of the time they will expect to pay for child care only when they use it. Most of the time they are surprised to learn that they are purchasing a child care slot which they will pay for whether their child uses that spot or not. Purchasing a slot is a lot like getting married in sickness and in health This will be one of the first lessons they will be introduced to regarding childcare.
Comparison shopping for childcare produces some very interesting questions. Exactly what is included in the fee Parents voice their wish list. Most parents whether they can verbalize it or not sincerely hope their child will have a one on one situation. Of course intellectually parents realize a class size will be set by the appropriate licensing agency. They are told it may be four babies to one caregiver. They visit the classroom and see the caregiver with four babies but the heart understands things differently. The heart does not want the baby to cry or wait ever
Leaving a child in daycare often brings feelings of sadness and guilt for parents. Perhaps a relative has expressed displeasure however slight over their decision to use daycare. Pointing to the high fees involved may be used as a scapegoat argument.
Parents know if they employee a nanny their child could have a one on one relationship. They also worry about the horror stories they have heard when the nanny is alone with the child. And they worry about the days the nanny will call in sick and leave them stranded for child care no doubt on the day of the big meeting at the office.
These topics provide us with the opportunity to discuss the meaning of group living. Daycare is far from perfect. However the first thing it offers for the high tuition fees is submission to a licensing agency which monitors its staff policies and space. This license promises that professionals will routinely make visits both announced and unannounced to the facility to maintain a high standard of care. Such reports are public knowledge and parents are able to contact their local licensing agency to an up to date review of a particular daycare.
Daycare can also provide caregivers who will be expected to have minimum skills in caring for children. Among those skills are CPR first aid medication administration and a general understanding of early childhood development and education. Centers that are dedicated to the well being of young children demand their staff have professional days to upgrade their skills.
In the end parents will find a comfort level for themselves and their children. And while the cost of childcare is for many families the largest portion of their family budget they often decide it is worth every penny to know that a daycare program is vigorously monitored.

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