American College Testing (ACT) Practice Test
ACT refers to the widely accepted national level college entrance examination which is also the placement oriented admission test. ACT test has a lot of significance and so has ACT test practice. ACT test practice refers to gathering information about the certification test and preparing by studying various ACT test practice materials and solving ACT test practice papers.
What is the ACT test and what is the ideal ACT test practice material available in market?
ACT refers to the widely accepted national level college entrance examination which is also the placement oriented admission test. ACT test has a lot of significance and so has ACT test practice. ACT test practice refers to gathering information about the certification test and preparing by studying various ACT test practice materials and solving ACT test practice papers. ACT test and ACT test practice have been accepted in 50 states since 1960 and tests the primary schooling skills of the candidates in four sections. ACT scores are accepted in all of the schools and colleges of the United States nation. The ACT test is conducted 6 times in a calendar year and a student is free to retake the ACT test up to 12 attempts and 1 national test.
What are the sources of ACT test practice and what are the basic strategies that must be kept in mind while ACT test practice?
ACT board itself has developed the ACT test practice guide and booklet to make students familiar with the actual ACT test and it also contains various ACT test practice papers and this booklet is available free of cost for candidates. You can also apply for the online paid ACT test practice papers to self evaluate and check your preparation for the admission test. The best way to do ACT test practice is to do self study and hard work. The ACT test scores are also computed in a different manner. The ACT test evaluates you to a scale of 36 which is the highest score. There is no passing score and no comparative scoring is performed the candidates are tested on predefined and already set standards and the national average composite score for the ACT composite test for the session 2011 was 21.1. More than a million students appear for the ACT test every year. Some of the strategies that must be kept in mind for the ACT test practice are as follows:-
• Keep checking your pace during solving each section of the ACT test.
• Note the difference that are present in the answers and choose the best response on your study and after that go through the question again with your selected answer.
• Analyze and Read the instructions and ACT test questions carefully.
• Try not to indulge in a single question and do not waste time.
• Use charts,

tables and instincts while solving the science section.
The ACT test has four sections one each on English, Math, Science and Reading test. The ACT test practice can also be done in 2 ways i.e. with writing section included and you can test only Multiple Choice Questions of the ACT test. The ACT test practice is very important to know about the question pattern. As a candidate you must have multiple attempts at the ACT test because study dhows that more than 50 students improved their composite scores on retake of the ACT test.