Vidhyanidhi Education Society (VES), a govt. regd. Teacher Training Institute in India under Societies' Registration Act, 1860 and Public Trust Act, 1950, is catering to such a social demand.
There are certain factors that affect education. Some of the vital ones by Preschool Teacher Training are explain below. These factors are linked to the stimulus, task or the student.
A primary supportis anormal or an uneducated source of support. Food is a primary (positive) support for a hungry animal.
A secondary support, on the other hand, is learnt or aget source of support. The rule of education a secondary strengthen is that it should be opposite with a mainsupport. The effect of support depends on the way it is given.
Child with particular requirements
According to pre-primary teachers training “a special child is that child who turn from the averages or normal child is mental, physical or social personality to such a level that he require an alteration of educate practice or particular instructive repair in order to expand to his utmost ability”.Cognitive Evaluation and Feeling
Lizzie Milan holds Master’s in Psychology Degree. She was working aszws supervisor in teacher training course. Currently, she is working as course co-ordinator for montessori-training courses in mumbai & nursery teacher training (ntt) courses since last 20 years.Cognitive Ability
The Teacher Training diploma course syllabus of each programme is impeccably designed after thorough research to suit the different needs of our trainees so as to enable them to pursue our programmes successfully at their ease