B2Jesse Review
Internet is quickly becoming an essential component of the businesses world wide. In recent years since the creating of the world web the importance of electronic markets has increased multiple times. Businesses and customers can hardly evaluate the power of electronic communication channels such as internet and they are continually pushing for a further expansion of current practices in using it as much as they can afford it.
The ability and potential of electronic marketplaces greatly depends on how internet users,

in our case businesses can put together the possibilities of technology to create and sustain competitive advantages over regular business "on land" and over their colleagues fighting for cyber space alongside. Clearly business- to-customer websites have a lot of potential and helping tools that can add to the successful operation in the internet. One of those advantages is immediate and constant communication with the potential and existing customers. This feature allows both participants, in our case, provider of the service or product and buyer of it to have access to needed information. This gives more chances for the product to be sold as all parts of the business process can join in simultaneously, more over it takes less time to market new products. Delivering service and products online is faster than ever and consequently reduces costs. E-commerce sites are in a better position than regular businesses because they offer increased availability twenty-four-seven all year round, the fact that is greatly appreciated by customers especially those who cannot afford to travel long distances to buy something if they can do it in a matter of minutes with clicking a few buttons on their computer. Apart from being constantly available the product has to be unique or at least offer such service that could make it a unique. Escalating number of websites are implementing services that suggest customized goods in real time making sure that their customer will stay with them and not chose another site. It is important to understand that virtual businesses have a lot of advantageous sides, however when a customer does not physically communicate with the provider it’s crucial to attract this customer with other features so that your site gains their loyalty. Global access and collaboration are two of the most important attributes that e-businesses gain when working in real time. New buyers and sellers appear every day on the web and give new opportunities for transactions of the goods and funds. Clearly that those sites that appeared five years ago are in a better position than new ones that have to fight for their own segment on the market. For instance Travelocity.com is in a winning position compared to the site selling air plane tickets that was created yesterday, because of understandable reason. On the other side, it has good chances to acquire their own customers by applying all of those tricks that are being described in this paper. Exchanging information in real time and automated money transactions can easily help new e-businesses be successful, for the reason of ever-growing market demand for cheaper goods in that are customized and delivered in shorter periods of time. Various software systems that are created in larger quantities nowadays allow businesses to select those that will best suit their services or products and consequently result in better performance. The problem may arise in deciding which product to select as huge amounts of those are appearing every year with better technical characteristics and for less money. The problem of choice in this case will be continuous but inevitable thus each e-business would have to choose taking into consideration their financial possibilities and immediate needs. One important thing that every such entity should remember is to select technology that is easy to use for the customer. Buyers are not willing to spend lots of time searching for the needed product, looking up its characteristics or finding out information about the manufacturer. Making a website as easy to use and as understandable is a key to success, as many people do not go to the store for the very reason of inability to find what they want and thus they switch to buying online. Marketing products or services in an attractive and at the same time relaxed manner will make the buyer feel free to make his/her own choice from what is provided on the pages of the site. Customer should not feel pushed or bothered, as it sometimes happens in a real store. With realization of the differences, offered by in cyber business, come opportunities to grown into profitable sellers in case of creatively stressing their positive features to obtain buyers’ trust and appreciation. Business-to-customer online entities are specializing in three major fields. Online stores, auctions and services online in real time are main segments in which e-commerce have reached close to perfect expertise level. Online stores are famous among all big companies who operate in the real physical world and on the net for the convenience of their customers and for the reason of increasing competition. Auctions contain a huge part of the cyber space, as they are greatly loved by the customers as well as appreciate by businesses that receive profits. Profitability is provided by reduction of many expanses that are incurred in a conventional auction setting, thus both sides are getting more for less. E-business such as EBay.com offers millions of products and engages people from all over the world in this process. By making bidding process easy and transparent, payment system convenient and offering certain guarantees it receives multi-billion profits every year. This business however is not all sweet, as such things as fraud and poor quality of goods cannot be completely abolished. Such negative experiences do happen and websites need to be ready to refund and please the customer in order to make him/her come back. Another area in which both customers and business exploit internet is online services. Numerous companies are providing services in banking or stock trading, which is gaining more popularity each year. People like the idea of trading stock while at home with their PCs. MakeTheMove.com that was created in 1998 is offering its users the opportunity to cancel or set up utilities such as phone, electric and gas. Cable television, Internet services and wireless phone can also be easily set up with the help of this site. Needless to say that convenience options provided by this site is appreciated by the users, it saves time and money and makes their lives easier. Such e-businesses are gaining more power because they undeniably have become a useful tool of the twenty first century. The unknown opportunities of the World Wide Web are yet to be discovered, but e-businesses are already using its great potential by providing customers with desired product or service faster and cheaper than ever.