A learning toy is a toy that a child will spend many hours playing with. It is a known fact that children do play longer and learn to concentrate on a single “task” much longer when they have learning toys to play with.
Child wood puzzles are a kid’s favorite toy and are one of the best learning toys they will have. And whether you use 3d wood puzzles or jigsaw puzzles in your child’s educational development you can’t get a better child’s toy.
Because learning toys are an important part of your child’s education all playrooms at home and in day care centers need a wide variety of puzzles. Combining animal puzzles as well as ABC puzzles and number puzzles into your child's puzzle collection is a wise decision.
A learning toy, such as a wood puzzle, is a toy that a child will spend many hours playing with. It is a known fact that children do play longer and learn to concentrate and stay focused with a single “task” much longer when they have educational learning toys to play with.
Solving puzzles is also a great way for young children to develop important hand-eye coordination and motor skills. The most basic of kid puzzles are those which include shape sorting, whereby a child is required to manipulate various shaped blocks and place them in the appropriately shaped slot. These are suitable for children as young as one, and will help them develop very basic problem solving skills as well as hand-eye coordination.
Jigsaw puzzles are very popular among children. Jigsaws with increasing levels of difficulty are available for a wide range of ages and developmental stages. Jigsaw puzzles utilize a handful of specifically shaped pieces that fit into corresponding holes in a board. The number of pieces can range from as few as four up to a thousand.
Often with puzzles for younger children, the jigsaw pieces are decorated so that when placed together correctly they form an entire picture. Completing these simple puzzles not only aids hand-eye coordination but also will help develop a child’s memory. Jigsaws designed for older children may include letters and numbers to help familiarize them with the alphabet and learn basic numeric skills.
Other puzzles designed for children rely on the matching of shapes and colors. Not only will these puzzles aid in hand-eye coordination skills, but will also encourage your child to distinguish between different shapes and colors. These basic problem solving skills are essential for a child to develop and ready themselves for bigger challenges
Puzzles are an invaluable aid for skill development. However, it is important to introduce children to those that are suitable for their age group. Incorporating chunky 3d puzzles is a good idea for toddler age children.
Young children in particular can get very frustrated with puzzles that they cannot
solve. Often this is simply because they haven’t yet developed the necessary
hand-eye coordination or thought processes required to complete them.
Introducing puzzles to children at a young age is an enjoyable way for them to
develop important manual dexterity, memory, and coordination skills. As they get
older, they will be able to advance to more complicated puzzles promoting development
of language and numeric skills.
It is important to help your child with puzzles initially. As they become more comfortable with the idea of puzzles, they will be able to complete them on their own, providing a rewarding experience for both you and your child.
If you have given your toddler a 3d wooden puzzle you will easily be able to incorporate it into a drama using one of his other toys such as a play set. Once you offer the puzzle to your child make sure to make a game with it. You want to immediately anchor a good feeling for you child. Get involved in the play; make it the fun of a life time.
When the puzzle is an animal puzzle, for example, talk about the animal and ask open-ended questions. You will have a golden opportunity to begin a visual lesson about not only a new animal but a new part of the world. For instance, if you purchased an African elephant you will have a captive audience to begin talking to about Africa, it animals, its people. You can turn it into a geography lesson your child will eagerly embrace.
To keep your 3d wooden puzzle in plain view is easy because they stand up by themselves and make a wonderful display on a table or bookcase. Therefore, the toy puzzle will be in plain sight and your child will play with it more often.
Whatever your child’s age or area of interest, supplying your child with a variety of puzzles will provide him/her with hours of educational fun. I have found on my internet searching more types and sizes of puzzles that I ever knew existed. As your child grows and develops there will be no problem finding puzzles of any difficulty level.
Child Wood Puzzles - for fun and education, are one of the best learning toys you can buy for your child.
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