Counseling for Change

Mar 11


Ace Abbey

Ace Abbey

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Even if you do need regular psychiatric medication to treat a disorder, counseling is a necessary component to mental health. You cannot change your life for the better without knowledgeable support and assistance.

The advent of drug commercials on television has broadcast the message that prescriptions can and do treat depression. The need for and value of counseling,Counseling for Change Articles with or without daily pills, has not been as well publicized. Its concurrent lesser coverage from many insurance policies has kept it out of reach for many and contributed to the undervaluing of those services.

You do not have to be in immediate crisis to need help dealing with psychological or psychiatric issues. Coping in survival mode is not the same as living a life. Successfully getting through each day in spite of the additional exhaustion and challenge of a mind that sometimes turns on you is not the same as strength or wellbeing.

If you are diagnosed with a psychiatric condition, a medication regimen may be prescribed for you. If so, you will still benefit from counseling as your symptoms begin to subside. After all, you will be experiencing the world in a new way. You will need to develop new behavioral habits for interacting with those experiences in a positive way that improves your daily life.

Although counseling sometimes gets dismissed as self-indulgent, that opinion seems to be generally held by those who have never tried it. The practice is actually part of a self-reeducation process that benefits you first, then all who continue to have a relationship with you. As you discover new ways of behaving and interacting with your world, you will create new versions of the connections you currently have. You will also have a new framework for the creation of new affiliations as they come across your path. Putting the oxygen mask on yourself first really does better the chances for continuing a shared existence with those you hold dear.

Healthy coping mechanisms can save you on a day-to-day basis. Life is filled with an endless series of choices, challenges, and the consequences of how you handle all of them. There is no one right way to rise to an occasion or make the best decision for your personal being. The ability to see how and why you arrive in the circumstances you do will help you to optimize your ability to land on your feet, wherever you want to do so.

There is no single silver bullet that will fix your life with one bulls-eye. Reinventing your daily existence is a huge undertaking, whatever percentage of your disorder is experiential not chemical. If your baseline issue can be corrected through medication, you still require comprehension of your diagnosis and development of new methods for leaping over your own hurdles.

Counseling is education about an alternative way for you to live. It can help you become the truest version of yourself. It can help you come to terms with whatever brought you to your first appointment. It can help you to find your own unique, healthy path and to live it no matter what others say or do to take it from you.

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