Getting School Admission Forms Online In India
Radha tried hard to manage her umbrella in the strong winds. It was raining and the winds were blowing away the rains.
There was nothing she could do but stand in line for admission forms to class 1 outside the school premises. Suddenly there was an announcement on the mike. All the parents were asked to occupy the classrooms and for a change,
all the parents looked like children sitting at their desks.
Radha had, searched a number of schools for admission forms but couldn’t make it with the rains every day. Today she was lucky, she managed to reach the school and that’s when the rains started. Everyday Radha would finally drop on her sofa fed up with each days plans going for a toss that she had given up on the search for a school.
There were so many schools on her list to visit that the very thought of getting out in the rains just to stand in the premises had caused enough of a hassle. She wished there was some way by which she could get the forms without visiting the schools. She quickly tried to console herself saying it was only once in a year that she had to work so hard, the moment her son got admission, she wouldn’t have to worry for the next 12 years and by then she hoped he would search for his college admission on his own.
One day while Radha was watching TV, the cable operator flashed an advertisement about onlineschooladmissions. The advertisement said admissions would become easy if parents logged on to the website She called up the office and even opened the website from her husband’s laptop at home and discovered she could complete the entire process of admission online and only attend the interview with her son and husband at a school. That’s all Radha wanted. Thanks to OSA!
OSA is a portal that caters to the admission assistance most parents require for their child and helps makes school admissions a delightful experience. If you are on the look out for a good school in India, and don’t know where to start, relax! OSA does everything for you right from filling up your child’s form, submitting it online and scheduling a date for your child’s interview. What more could a parent ask for? OSA also posts Blogs on the Internet on topics related to education and parenting and understands a child’s world perfectly.