Most people think that a grade is a grade, however there's a significant difference between the grade on your tests and the grade on a transcript. Several home school parents think that if they are using a curriculum that has tests, and give their child all those tests, that all they have to do is calculate the average of all those tests.
Homeschool Scholarships - Use the Rules
Whenever it comes to winning significant scholarships, it is strongly recommended to help make all the pieces as straight forward as possible on the admissions team. They really are human beings, so the kinder you are to the admissions staff, the nicer they'll be to you.Capturing the Results of College Level Learning
The typical teenager approaches summertime with a Tom Sawyer attitude--it's a time to laze around, enjoy the sun, and hang out with friends. Many homeschoolers don't realize that summer can be an opportunity to save thousands of dollars in future college tuition.Plagerism Primer for Dad and mom
One wonderful way to instruct your children about the dangers of plagiarism is to have them do a short research paper on the topic. I encourage you to have them research plagiarism online, and then write a one page report on what they learn.