How to Survive if You Are a Freshman
Well, here is the day you have been waiting for so long. An abstruse name of “an applicant” (the meaning of which is still a mystery, because you have no time to find out) is finally replaced by the long-awaited one – “student”. You did it! Here comes the adulthood.
Your expectations came true. But what's next? The childish excitement is quickly replaced by confusion: how to deal with all this freedom? Everything is new,
unknown and (let's face it) frightening. Where to begin, how to manage your time and how to get used to your new status?
Here Are Some Tips For a Freshmen
It seems that some tips from experienced people might be very useful for freshmen during adaptation to college life. So, shall we begin?
- Do you remember why did you come here? Correctly, to study. If your dad is not the President of America – you will have to treat the matter seriously. Remember: you are not at school anymore. Your professors will have no mercy to your laziness. So, firstly, set a goal to work for your marks and later they will work for you.
- Smile and get acquainted with people. Kindness and friendliness form your path to success. Let the first impression of you be positive. Make pals of your classmates, because you will have to eat a peck of salt with them.
- You don’t have to be a drabbie, however don’t try to kick up a row, wearing different shoes or painting your hair green. Just be yourself. Individuality is always rewarded.
- Once you familiarize yourself with your classmates, try to make friends with the seniors. You never know when the support of experienced people may come in handy.
- Of course, learning is very important, but don’t forget to have the rest as well. Eat and sleep enough (or at least as much as possible). Celebrate successful examination, get acquainted with girls, sing songs to the guitar. But remember: moderation, moderation in all things!
- Lectures and classes are not always interesting, and sometimes even extremely boring, but still useful. It is not recommended to skip them because your notes may save you during tests. Moreover, skipping classes may get you into your professor’s “black list”.
- By the way, a couple of words about your tutors. In interpersonal relations with them, you have to show respect and politeness. Try to mix well with everyone.
- And the last but not the least. Be sure to take part in various entertainments, new and traditional activities. For instance, if you're so lucky to study at Harvard, don't shrink from even the craziest event such as The Harvard Primal Scream. I bet that it will help you to become more recognizable and popular among different students.
To sum up, just learn to treat everything positively, or even better - with a healthy dose of humor (just like this article about the tips for freshmen), and everything will be fine!