The Increasing diversifications and differentiation among providers of management of business education is a worldwide phenomenon today. There are generally three broad categories of providers that exist.
The Increasing diversifications and differentiation among providers of management of business education is a worldwide phenomenon today. There are generally three broad categories of providers that exist.
These categories includes traditional university-based business schools, for-profit institutions and lastly a large group of other providers that includes executive development centers, consulting firms, independent consultants, and company based training centers and corporate universities.
According to a report of 1998 by the European Training Foundation’s Torino Group found out the challenge that the last category of providers possesses to traditional university-based business schools in Europe, notifying that traditional schools are now in competition with executive development centers, training companies, management consulting firms, in firm company training centers and corporate universities. The somewhat similar observations can be made about developments in other regions of the world.
There is no blindness in the employer market regarding this differentiation among providers. Indeed, employers tend to discriminate by offering drastically different rewards to degree-holders depending on the reputation of the school from which they graduated, especially at the MBA level.
Thus the employers understand the values that the environment of the business schools holds, as it’s the reflection of the kind of management principles taught to that recently graduated and it decides the level the person deserves to attain in the organization.
Considerably Substantial differences exist as well within the AACSB membership, for example, some factors for the same are Mission, size of operating budget, institutional control and size of faculty. Finally, although more difficult to measure, traditional university-based business schools use to account for only a fraction of the broad management education industry.
Thus, the employers today are well aware of the factors that form the managerial character of the person. Thus, students should keep it in mind and should try to attain their management degree from the top of the management institutions.
New Banking Exams Pattern and Impacts
Another class of competitive exams that has came up in last few years Bank exams. This is due to the fact that Public sector banks and Region Rural Banks are getting so many people retired from services so that they need young and capable people to join in to fill up the generated vacancies.Pattern Changes in competitive bank exams In India
The highly satisfying and secure Bank jobs are attracting more and more people towards them in recent times thus bank exams are seeing a like never before competition now a days.Large pattern changes in bank exams in India
Bank jobs exams are in Demand owing to many facts including high level of security (A must to have in these turbulent times) and satisfaction.