It is very important to study ancient cultures that reveal important answers to eternal questions. The past is the key to the future and we are obliged to find this key. The duty of every patriot is to know own culture, customs, folkways and morays to build a strong belief in the future.
After a couple of thousands years of development of numerous cultures all over the world the present society has inherited a priceless treasure. We are honored to accept such a present and continue its development. We are brought up to contribute to this treasure and leave it to future posterities to do the same. All the cultures both famous and mysterious are unique, special and contain a lot of useful experience. We judge about one’s literacy by knowledge of his or her culture and famous cultures of the world. Unfortunately the impressions are not very promising.
First inscriptions appeared long ago in different parts of the world at the same time. They didn’t look like present day hand writing; these were symbols of what was a cult in tribes of first human communities. Daily students sit in libraries and turn to internet for help on these matters. Mostly our ancestors depicted animals that were hunted, men and women performing a ritual, gods and animals that were sacred and given sacrifices. Most of the inscriptions disappeared but nature was merciful enough to leave some of them for us to have a general idea of how the world looked thousands of years ago. This subject is researched till the present day and future scholars in anthropology, history and other related science have to write a paper using English term paper topic concerning ancient inscriptions. First material to write on was a stone, after that wax and clue writing boards appeared. Unfortunately, there are not many of them left till nowadays. Papyrus was founded in ancient Egypt, a county of mystery and full of wonders, one of which is considered a wonder of the world. Egyptian monks were the founders of Egyptian writing and since then Egypt was the center of African culture and was famous all over Europe and Asia.( Other cultures that are world famous are Greek and Roman that gave birth to various sciences and scientists. On the other part of the world Indian and Chinese cultures still surprise us with numerous wonders and miraculous discoveries. Masterpieces of ancient folklore are known all over the world and give foundation to various present day creations. All these cultures obligatory may be included in university term paper topics, for the knowledge of the above mentioned tells more than any of your grades. If you touched a mystery of an ancient Culture, you will never forget the charm of it and continue researching it.
It is vitally important to explore different cultures but without solid knowledge of the own culture a person will stay illiterate forever. It is our duty to learn our culture and cherish it like a pretty flower, giving sun and water to it. Patriotism is a feeling we are born with and some people loose it with years. Love for own country and customs should exist in every heart of a citizen. Human heart is a cradle of culture.
Teacher’s Ethics
Considering the fact that students spend a great part of their life at school, one may come to conclusion that schools contribute significantly into overall ‘quality’ of life of students. No wonder that personality of a teacher is of crucial importance; moreover, some teachers turn into extremely important people for the whole life due to the impact they make while teaching us. It is good if this impact is positive and brings motivation for students, however, it sometimes happens that teachers manage to spoil not only mood of a student but intrude into internal world, leaving unpleasant vestige there.What is the Main Function Schools Performs?
Studying at school is remarkable in several ways. For a lot of people a school becomes the first place where they get basics of education and, what is very much important, schools provide children with socialization. Actually, a child spends a lot of time at school, receiving not only knowledge but communication options as well. Indeed, nowadays schools perform social role to a very large extent and this social function is gradually taking the first place, putting educational function to the second place.How to Find Motivation for Oneself?
There is hardly a person who would perform a great work without some special impetus, some incentive, and some strong motivation to do that. Of course, we frequently have to do things we do not enjoy doing; we all have some obligations and duties. Furthermore, a lot of people work and do things that irritate and frustrate them, and it is all really sad, because a person does not get pleasure and the same work could be done in a better way…