Learn about Cultures through visiting them - Not reading about it!
Many people are interested in learning about ethnic cultures and some might even have done research to find out more about them. But, how much insight can a book or online research actually give you into these cultures?
In my opinion the answer is - not a lot! Sure,

you can read about the different ingredients that make up the beliefs and workings of your chosen culture but if you want to truly learn about the people then no amount of research will ever give you the same insight as a visit to that particular country. Take your own everyday life as an example. I live in the UK and frequently walk in the countryside, go to traditional English pubs and, have a good time with the locals. Now, you've read it and, it might have even made you curious about life in the UK, but you will have little idea of how it feels to do those things. The point I am trying to make is - Learning comes from feeling something, not from reading a text book.Now you might argue that not everyone has the money to go travelling and, in many cases this is probably right. But, for those who are fortunate enough to be in a position to do it then the world is your oyster (as the saying goes). So, stop reading about the Arabic cultures, the African continent and, Buddhist temples and get saving so you can visit them. You’ll enjoy the research so much more!