Learning To Love The Dorm
Heading off to college can possibly be the most scary and exciting experience that can happen in your life. You get to be on your own and find out a w...
Heading off to college can possibly be the most scary and exciting experience that can happen in your life. You get to be on your own and find out a whole new world of terrific things about yourself. In the mix of making new friends,
studying, and creating memories there are the moments where you might live in a dorm. Dorms can be a whole combination of emotions. Fun, happy, depressing, crowded, spacious, it all depends on your viewpoint. Most of the time you are sharing your dorm with someone else so having the capability to make friends might come in handy at this stage.
There is one enjoyable aspect that everyone looks forward to when moving into their new dorm and that is designing your own space. There may not be a lot of it or there may be, but nonetheless it is always exciting. This article will share ideas of college dorm decor to help you ease your way into living in the dorm.
Big or small, dorms come in all different shapes and sizes. When it comes to figuring out what you want to have in your little section of the dorm make sure you have gone to visit there. This will be crucial because you don't want to clutter up too much area if the space is small and you're sharing with one or two different people. Decorating is fun but make sure you are courteous about it as well. There are a few things that might be small that you can go ahead and get, for instance, a trash can. You will always need a trash can for all those crumpled up essays that you don't feel are quite perfect.
Assuming the space is big enough try and find a decent sized desk for your dorm. One that comes with a lot of organizing spots on it would suffice considering there will be a lot of papers and books all over the place. Having the computer and thinking space is significant to getting things done. Stock up your desk with all the basics for school, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, paper, etc.
Among the things you will have fun shopping for is your bedding. Locate things that suit your style and throw a few fun pillows on there. You can also seek for white boards to write schedules or funny notes for your dorm mates. The main thing to a good dorm room is personality so don't be afraid to show it off.