Online CEUs LCSW - Finding an Accredited Program
Finding the right program can be difficult. If you are going for online CEUs in LCSW then you might want to do your homework first to ensure that your credits will be accepted.
Becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker is a lot of work. Not only do you have to go through your Bachelor’s degree but you also have to obtain a Master’s. Then there is a series of complicated tests and classes to ensure that you know what you’re doing before you can even obtain your license. Just when you think your done you have realize that for the rest of your career you’re going to have continuing education units to keep your certification. Online CEUs LCSW is a great way to get those units you need.
The trouble comes when you are trying to find that online CEUs LCSW program. It can be difficult to find the one that will help you get the credit hours you need and will be accepted by your state board. There are a few companies out there that will take your money but then your work won’t be accepted by the state. That means that you’ve just wasted your time and your money and you still don’t have the hours you need to retain your license.
You first need to check with the state agency that is responsible for issuing you your clinical social worker license. They will tell you what requirements you must meet. Sometimes these agencies will have a list of known accredited sites for you to visit in order to get your hours.
The accreditation is the key component in the agencies willingness to accept the work you did,
the class you took, or the webinar you attended. New sites are gaining their accreditation all the time so if you find one that is not on the list check with the agency to make sure that there are no issues.
IF your state agency doesn’t provide a list of known accredited sites then you can check yourself. While you are on the site see if it mentions accreditation. Almost all the sites out there that offer online CEUs for LCSW will announce their accreditation. This way you can feel confident about them. They will also list what group their accreditation comes from. If there is nothing about it on their site or they will not tell you what group accredited their company then you should stay away. Legitimate companies will give you this information freely. It boosts their rating to be accredited.
As with any service found on the internet you will find some out there that are bent on just taking your money. It’s good consumer practice to compare and research each site prior to doing business with them. When in doubt check with your state licensing board to ensure the online CEUs LCSW program you are interested in will be accepted.