Parents Transitioning From Homeschooling To College
You made a decision to remove your child from institutional education. Your decision was based on several very good reasons. Each of the reasons you originally had for homeschooling your child are intensified as you consider college. Why not continue that quality decision to bring superior education directly into your home through books, videos, cassettes, and the internet?
You made a decision to remove your child from institutional education. Your decision was based on several very good reasons. And if you are like most homeschooling parents,

you were happily rewarded for your decision. Homeschoolers' grades average two years ahead of public school students' grades. In addition, homeschooled children have proved to be more socially adaptive than their public school counterparts.
Avoid Dangerous Environments
Each of the reasons you originally had for homeschooling your child are intensified as you consider college. Humanism, rationalism, secularism, and hedonism run rampant on most American campuses, even Christian colleges. Some of these schools have teachers and programs that actively promote these harmful lifestyles. Why suddenly expose your child to these trap-falls? It is important to choose a college that will not put your child in danger or overly expose them to temptation. You can also choose a college that allows you to continue homeschooling.
Continue An Education Method That Works
Additionally, when you homeschooled your child, you personalized their education and made their curriculum specific to the child’s needs and talents. That’s one of the great advantages of homeschooling over traditional education. So, why now expose your child to a learning approach in college that will take him years to overcome (if he ever overcomes it at all)? Why not continue that quality decision to bring superior education directly into your home through books, videos, cassettes, and the internet? Let proven Christian professors help you mentor your child as he emerges into adulthood in the safety and purity of your home, rather than the bastions of humanism and rebellion which pervade most American campuses.
Following God’s Direction
You chose the best, years ago. Now, why not stay with the best decision, and carry out God's mandate for PARENTS to train up their children? Perhaps God's way is best after all. We know it sounds far-fetched to our secularized minds. But most of us know that by honoring God's ways, we come out far ahead in life, regardless of how distanced from current sociological trends God's principles and ways appear. Why not continue your experiment in educating your child God's way, and prove to your society that God was right all along?
There Are Other Options
There are many Christian colleges and Christian theology seminaries that offer online or distance learning courses. These options allow your child to continue their studies at home and gain the insight and education from college professors. Additionally, some online Bible colleges offer the LAMAD education format which can allow your child to avoid the flawed traditional education method and excel in their learning.
Just because your child is getting ready to attend college, doesn’t mean that you have to abandon the things that caused you to choose homeschooling in the first place. Do some online searches and find a Christian university which offers online courses and teaches with methods that work.