Some dwarfs are a far cry from the happy miners encountered in children's books and movies. Read this article to discover just how dark a dwarf can get.
The natives believe the Biloko are their ancestors that continue to haunt the forests because they carry grudges against some of the living. Only a very brave hunter ,who possesses much magic, will even make an attempt to enter the heart of the forest where the Biloko are known to jealously guard all the best fruit and game.
It's only due to their greedy dwarfish natures that the Biloko behave in this manner, for they've absolutely no interest in either. Their diet consists solely of human flesh and blood. In order to easily lure their prey to them the Biloko make beautiful music with their bells. Any who hear the bells become willing to do anything requested by the dark dwarfs. A perfect example is a hunter's wife who cut off her arm and fed it chunk by chunk to a Biloko. When she finally passed out from the blood loss, it used its claws to slice up the rest of her body and consumed it as well.
If it were only the magickal bells that the natives had to overcome to bypass the Biloko and gather their food, it would be difficult enough. Unfortunately for the natives the Biloko have other powerfully subtle tricks to make life almost unbearable for them. One is propagating the belief that they are ancestors of the tribesman through their music. It's difficult even for a ferocious hunter to strike at something that may be related. Another is the Bilokos natural camouflage. Grass rather than hair grows from its body and to add to the effect it dresses only in brown leaves. A hunter could quite easily pass one without thinking twice.
Beyond its non-aggressive tricks the Biloko possess the ultimate predator's body in spite of its short stature. It has razor sharp claws, and a snout that can open wide enough to consume an entire human in one bite.
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