Shouting and Screaming At An Autistic Child is A No Solution
It is nowhere written that just because a child is autistic, he/she cannot be taught at home or they won't understand. On a foremost note, this mind set has to be changed.
These children are nothing short of anything,

all that's required is whether an individual is capable enough to make him understand things in the very same way as he would be able to or not. 'Patience' is a primary requisite for every guardian who has an autistic child, says a special school teacher.
Compelling or expecting these children to follow in the very same way that you want is not a solution. Things do not work like that. The moment a child feels that he is being pressurized to work in a certain way, things are likely to collapse. So as a guardian, be soft and guide a child to do thing in a certain way, rather than forcing him to follow rules and regulations. In fact, mood swings should be handled affectionately. There's no point in shouting and screaming at a child when you know that he is not doing it intentionally. These children have a tendency to have mood swings and thus, should not be taken otherwise. This is the time when, they need you at the most. Say for instance: if your child has been playing well since morning and you suddenly ask him to take shower, you just can't predict how he will react to it. Even if he shouts back saying that he does not want to bathe or eat anything then, it's your responsibility that instead of making him bath then and there, hug him and make him realize how much you love him. You do not really need to make heavy gesture for the same, at times doing simple things such as a kiss on forehead or cuddling him gently make a big time difference. Make his requirements your priority and once you get to do things in a smarter way, you won't have to counter any sort of adverse effects.
Conclusion drawn:
These children are intelligent enough to understand things. The only thing that matter is whether you are you able to make him understand things in the right way or not. Even if he goes too loud to handle at times, do not shout or scream, make them understand in an affectionate way and he would get it instantly.