Single Parent Scholarships For College
Single parenthood is much more common now in the past due to divorce, separation and different lifestyle choices. Due to life's necessities and the pa...
Single parenthood is much more common now in the past due to divorce,

separation and different lifestyle choices. Due to life's necessities and the parental choices of sacrifice, many single mothers and fathers often find themselves unable to go to college financially because of the efforts involved in nurturing and raising their children. The dilemma is that without further education, job opportunities and salary ranges are limited. With the high rate of unemployment, there is an advantage in having a degree today as well.
Fortunately, the government is active in working with this situation and many states and universities are now offering single parent scholarships to minimize the unemployment rate and improve someone's earning potential. The Obama administration is very involved in helping people improve their lives. With this opportunity, many single parents and their families are given not just education, but the hope that they will be able to provide more effectively for their families, enjoy a meaningful career and inspire their children for their own future goals.
Aside from the tuition fees, books, fund for dorms, other miscellaneous fees are usually covered by the scholarship. There are various requirements and qualifications that applicants need to pass in order to qualify for different types of scholarships. These vary but some scholarships require the single parent to have a passing grade of often at least a 2.5 grade point average . Others may require a minimum of a 3.0 GPA.
Remember also that aside from the government college scholarships there are also work-study opportunities. In addition, you can be eligible for funding for your children to attend aftercare programs or other childcare programs while you are in school. Filling out a FAFSA application is important for many grants and funding options so be sure to do this. Apply for the Pell grants and also you may be eligible to look into the academic competitive grant if you have a good gpa.
Being a single parent and attending college also may give you the opportunity socially to meet people who are trying to also change their lives. This is very good for support since trying to work, go to school plus raise your children is an extraordinary amount of work. Staying motivated through this period of your life is essential.