Some Help For The Empty Nest Syndrome
So many resources tell teens and young adults what to expect when they go away to college for the very first time. While this is most definitely a piv...
So many resources tell teens and young adults what to expect when they go away to college for the very first time. While this is most definitely a pivotal moment in the life of a teen it is also a pivotal moment in the life of their parents' as well.
For numerous parents the reality begins to set in as they sit through their child's high school graduation and kick off thoughts about that oh so long college checklist. Of course,

with so many things to do and prepare before packing up the car and making that long drive to the college campus, many parents don't really start to face the reality of their missing teen until they arrive back at their residence on that August day facing for the very first time a little of that empty nest condition.
They may look through the house at reminders of their college freshman, or they may just sit in their empty room at look around at the many places where their things used to be and the empty spaces left behind after packing. The feeling is a very somber one and many adults have issues transitioning from needed parent to long distance one. At this point those parents who have made a career out of parenting need to locate something more to fill their life besides just waiting for their teen to return for the holiday break.
While submitting care packages filled with dorm supplies can help fill some time and help your child transition to school, it is ever so important that you take some time to either go after those things that make you happy or find yourself which ever you need. This is a period of awakening for the parent and a time of growth and rebirth. It is a critical point for most parents and a time in which they usually begin again learning where their true self and their passions lie and pursuing their own life. Even those parents who still have other children at home will encounter a feeling of loss and change as the entire family dynamic will change because of this loss and relationships with other children will need to be adjusted.
Therefore, having a child become a college freshman means a new chapter of your life will begin. Don't try to resist the change, instead simply accept it and enjoy the new ways in which your life will unfold. One of the biggest mistakes people make is wallowing. Instead make plans for a celebration dinner for immediately following your child's departure. Doing this will likely help you to feel better about beginning this new phase of life.