Tips for Selecting a Golf Education Curriculum
There are several different colleges to choose from if you want to pursue a degree program in the very exciting field of golf management or associated...
There are several different colleges to choose from if you want to pursue a degree program in the very exciting field of golf management or associated professional areas. However,

not all colleges provide the same choices and options in their golf education curriculum offerings. If you take the time to research what the core and elective options are in the curriculum you will quickly understand why some colleges are much more comprehensive in their course selection than others.
Basically, all colleges offering degrees in golf education will have some similar components. All should offer both academic courses as well as actual skill building courses when it comes to teaching about and playing golf. It is important to remember that either of these two categories of courses is less than comprehensive unless combined with within the golf education curriculum. Some programs are heavily weighted towards either skill building or academics, often leaving out major areas of focus for students. Depending on your particular goals in the golfing world this may be acceptable, but for most students seeking a good foundation skipping or slighting one or the other component just doesn't make sound educational sense.
Typically, the curriculum that provides the successful graduate with an Associate of Science degree in golf management will be approximately 69 credit hours. This will include the major courses or core courses that are related specifically to golf and golf management. There also will be additional courses on education, communication, math, science, English and other essential topics. Designed to be broader in scope than just the golfing world, these education courses give the student a rounded education and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to interact with other professionals, clients and members. In addition, they will be able to successfully manage, organize and operate a golfing facility.
Usually core courses within this curriculum will include those designed to enhance an overall appreciation of the sport of golf. This will include courses on the history and development of the sport as well as very specific training on the rules of the game. Specific training on different aspects of the sport such as; swing fundamentals, the short game and the thought process behind golf will also be included. Once the foundation or fundamental courses are completed, more advanced academic and practical types of courses will follow.
The more advanced courses in the golf education curriculum should provide the learner with a solid theoretical and real world understanding of the management and operation of various aspects of working within the golf profession. This should include turf management, course design, managing of golf operations as well as how to organize and manage tournaments. Courses that provide essential information on the management of the clubhouse, food and beverage services, golf instruction and communication and business management are also key parts in the curriculum. These topics are fundamental in providing the graduate with the skills he or she needs to be successful in their chosen area of specialization within the golfing world.
By selecting a college for its golf education curriculum as well as the faculty and reputation of the program you are assured of a good education and foundation in all areas of golf. A great curriculum will add to your ability to move into any position in the golfing world from being a manager of a golf course through to being a golf instructor or sales rep for a golfing business. Keep in mind that a good college is also very instrumental in getting hired and in providing networking options for those all-important references and referrals upon graduation.