Responsible Service of Alcohol or RSA training is a type of occupational education provided to sellers and servers to assist in preventing:* Intoxicat...
Responsible Service of Alcohol or RSA training is a type of occupational education provided to sellers and servers to assist in preventing:
* Intoxication
* Drunk driving
* Underage drinking
Restaurants and other establishments provide training for employees in order to reduce risks and create a safer environment. The training also serves to mitigate liability in lawsuits. Establishments that provide this type of training can prove that reasonable efforts have been made to serve alcohol in a safe manner. This training also causes liability insurance for places serving alcohol to be lowered substantially. The training is required to comply with local laws and regulations. Additionally the training can assist in preventing alcohol related crimes of property damage and assault.
Training Enhances Server Skills
Effective alcohol server training can enhance fundamental skills of servers and sellers of alcoholic beverages. The training provides servers with insight into the difference between individuals enjoying themselves with alcohol and those who might be having issues. Employees and managers participating in RSA training are better capable of spotting signs of intoxication. By spotting early warning signs,

servers and sellers can intervene to prevent problem situations.
Training Delivery Methods
RSA Certificate Melbourne training can be taught to servers and sellers in traditional classrooms or via distance learning programs. Most providers offer both options. The length of training times can vary. Training length usually ranges between 2-6 hours.
Most programs have certifications included. Participants are required to participate in assessments once training is completed. Additionally, training providers offer unique programs for varying types of venues that sell alcoholic beverages. The training requirements for off premises locations may different for those necessary to restaurants, bars, and nightclubs.
Responsible Service of Alcohol is mandatory throughout the country. Everyone serving alcohol is required to complete the training.
The federal government implemented the requirement to address the harm potentially caused by serving and consuming alcohol. The regulations were designed to protect servers, sellers, and patrons from the risks involved in alcohol consumption.
Training Requirements Vary
Training requirements and methods of delivery varies between states. Some areas accept online delivery of training, while other areas recognize in person training programs. Debate continues over the possible benefits of online training vs. classroom training. Advocates claim online learning is just as good as traditional classroom methods.
Whatever method of delivery a student chooses, RSA Melbourne training was created to meet the concept of a Duty of Care to patrons. This Duty of Care requires managers and staff to take reasonable precautions in protecting patrons and staff from the adverse effects of alcohol intoxication. RSA training can assist in minimizing risks of physical violence and injury for establishments and patrons. Staff is also educated on other topics such as blood alcohol content and alcoholism and human health.
One of the most important aspects of RSA training includes training staff how to properly serve alcoholic beverages to patrons and how to observe behavior of patrons. Additionally, staff and sellers are taught how to refuse service to intoxicated patrons.