Where is Baton Rouge

Aug 16


David Bunch

David Bunch

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Baton Rouge is the capital of the state of Louisiana. It is on the east bank of the Mississippi River, and is 80 miles north of New Orleans.

Baton Rouge is the capital of the state of Louisiana. It is on the east bank of the Mississippi River,Where is Baton Rouge Articles and is 80 miles north of New Orleans. It was one of the earliest settlements made by French colonists. The settlement was made in 1719 on what was said to have been the site of an old Indian village.

The Union Army captured the city during the Civil War. A strong force of Confederate soldiers attacked the city, and tried to retake it; but after two hours of fierce fighting, they were thrown back. Baton Rouge is a beautiful city, with flowering magnolia trees, picturesque lakes, and dignified mansions. It has 94 chemical plants, and is known as "the Chemical Center of the South." It also has one of the largest oil refineries in the world.

 Across the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge are great sugar plantations. This region is known as "the Sugar Bowl of America." Here you can see how sugar cane is made into granulated sugar. The Louisiana state capitol is a beautiful building. It was built with marble from almost every marble-producing country in the world.