Why It Should Be a Requirement in Every Daycare
Good habits, in order for them to be carried into adulthood, must be instilled early on. The toddler years of the children is a perfect opportunity to...
Good habits,

in order for them to be carried into adulthood, must be instilled early on. The toddler years of the children is a perfect opportunity to teach them the discipline of hand washing. The act of hand washing is so important because according to the Center for Disease Control, it is the single most important way to prevent the spread of disease. Washing the hands regularly can protect you from catching cold and flu viruses which your flu vaccine cannot even totally circumvent.
While we are all aware about the immense value and help of hand washing, the sad fact, however, is that there are still a good number of adults who fail to perform hand washing right after they use the restroom. This could easily be blamed for poor hygiene practices. That is why, it is important that little children must learn while they are still young to observe and religiously practice washing their hands. And for this reason, a portable hand washing station should become a requirement for every daycare.
Little children often learn by imitation. The perfect way to teach them how to properly wash their hands is to perform the activity right before them. A portable hand washing station can be set right in front of the classroom and it can be utilized as a wonderful medium of instruction. Children will be able to see how the deed is done as the teacher demonstrates the soaping and rinsing of the hands. And since this unit can be purchased in a pre-school size, the kids can easily take up the task upon themselves. This portable unit can then be positioned right at the back of the room and children can use them in crucial times like before and after eating and also after playing outside and using the restroom. Because the children religiously practice the habit early on, it's a guarantee that they will observe and carry this specific discipline into adulthood.
Apart from being used as medium of instruction, the use of the portable hand washing station can ensure the safety of the kids. If the hand washing station is situated inside the restroom, there is a dilemma that arises whereby the child must be taken by the teacher into the restroom to help and oversee him or her wash. While it is mandatory to have a specific number of people looking out for the children, having one teacher out of sight can mean fewer eyes monitoring the rest of the kids. With use of portable units, hand washing can be carried right within the classroom or the playground where every child is situated and the teacher can still look after the well- being of other kids.