It takes time for logic and reasoning to expand in young kids. By using a mixture of child-oriented education and open-ended exploration activities, teachers can help kids build up into scientific thinkers and in doing so make learning experiences not only meaningful, but FUN!
Exploring science is a thrilling and amazing part of early childhood. Naturally interested,
![Wonder of Science to the Early Childhood Classroom. Articles](
young kids seek to examine and learn “how their world works.” They question; they look; they listen; they talk about their findings. They examine the passage of light through a variety of materials; how insects creep on the ground; and what sinks, what floats, and why!
As teachers, we need to recognize and promote young kids’ natural abilities and curiosities as we the answers to these questions and more
are described in the following sections.
Types of Science Explorations
Science in early childhood includes life science, earth science, and physical science. With the previous information in mind on how kids learn best, the following activities by nursery teacher training symbolize significant discovery teachers and kids may want to try.
Life Science by Montessori course
Life science comprises the exploration of the senses, of living and non-living things, plants and animals, their features, uniqueness, and classifications.
Theme: Seeds, Plants, & Insects Sample Teacher-Guided Lesson: Seeds Show seed packets or bags for kids to inspect. Ask what they notice. Extend on each kid’s observation by asking another open-ended question. Then, place a muddle of seeds on a small tray. Have kids arrange them by size, color, and shape, and then try to match the seeds with the fruit or vegetable packets from which they came. Next, provide various fruits and vegetables or ask kids to bring them from home. Students can search for and take out the seeds from the fruits and vegetables and use them for their own autonomous explorations.
Life Science Center for Independent Investigations
Place mixed live plants, and a collection of baskets filled with dehydrated grass, leaves, vines, and bark in the center along with books and charts of plants and insects. Provide a variety of seeds, cups, spoons, and soil. Gather caterpillars and other insects along
with small portions of their natural habitat and food for daily study
and then release. Provide kids time to plant seeds, study the plants and insects, look them up in resource books, sketch them, evaluate and distinguish them, and talk about their findings.
Earth Science by
early childhood education
Integrated in earth science are the investigation of air and water, sand and soil, day and night, and the seasons.
Theme: Water Wonder Sample Teacher Guided Lesson: Sink or Float?
Provide a pan of water, toothpicks, craft sticks, tongue depressors, and modeling clay. Ask kids to try each wooden stick to find out if it floats or sinks. Then, have them roll clay balls in graduated sizes from very tiny ones to two-inch balls. After formulating predictions, test and then discuss what take place to each ball when tested. Ask, “Does it go down or float? Why?” let kids to reveal on their experiences and observations.
Earth Science Center for Independent Investigations
Provide each group of kids with a small container of water, manipulative, and an inspection chart divided in half with the words sink or float and an equivalent picture of something sinking and something floating. Ask kids to make calculations, test objects, and then trace their observations on the chart using words and pictures to write about their findings.
Physical Science by
pre primary teacher training course
Physical science comprises the study and explanation of matter, of energy, movement, and change. Theme: Magnets Sample Teacher-Guided Lesson: Mighty Magnets
Display assorted art supplies. Glue two pieces of paper together and ask: “What makes these pages stick together? What else can hold paper together, momentarily or permanently?” Provide time for kids to look at the art supplies, think, and answer. Explain that some objects hold together without glue, staples, or tape. They seem to hold together all by themselves. Show various magnets, and ask volunteers to select one to plunge into a container of mixed thumbtacks and paper clips. Provide time for the kids to explain what happens. Ask volunteers to select a magnet and try to pick up objects from a tray of manipulative. Talk about each object and whether or not it is attracted by the magnet. Have kids sort the objects into magnetize and not attract piles. As they look at the piles ask kids what they can wind up about magnets.
Physical Science Center for Independent Investigations
Provide different magnets such as a magnetic wand, a bar magnet, a magnetic marble, and a magnetic button and a box of paper clips. Kids envisage how many clips each magnet will magnetize and then find out how many clips are attracted to their magnets by experimenting with
each. Kids count and write or draw the number of clips attracted to
their magnets and then evaluate results and discuss: “Which magnet attracted the most clips? Which magnets were stronger, more dominant? Which were weaker?”