5 Email Based Marketing Tips for Increased Success
An email based marketing program is a very popular and efficient way to grow an online business quickly. By building an email opt in list you can target promotions to people willing to receive such emails. Read on to discover 5 simple tips you can follow to be sure when making contact by email that your messages are received and effective.
The purpose of any email based marketing campaign is to first develop a relationship with the list members. When people join your email opt in list they expect to be promoted to but they also are expecting to receive useful information.
How people manage their particular opt in lists is generally influenced by their personality and skill set. No one way is right or wrong however there are certain things EVERYBODY should do when making contact by email with their list members.
As an email marketer here are 5 sensible tips to take note in order to maximize the effectiveness of your promotional efforts to your list.
Get White Listed
Make it clear to all your list members to include your email address on their white list to ensure your messages do not get blocked. Make this point clear on your opt in page where subscribers initially sign up. If this is not done you will not be able to make contact by email with your list.
Use Subject Lines Carefully
Careful how you word your subject lines! Using such words as free,

deal, sale or any other verbiage indicating some sort of solicitation will likely get you sent directly into the readers spam box.
Be descriptive and catchy in your subject lines but any using any words that may give off the impression of hype.
Use First Names
If you collect first names on your opt in lists use them in your messages to the subscribers. This helps to breed a sense of familiarity with them and if used correctly in the subject line this could help to get your email opened.
Space Out Emails
Do not overwhelm your list with too many emails since this could cause them to unsubscribe. This could quickly become annoying and most especially to those who do not open their emails ever day. Having an 'avalanche' of emails waiting for you from one source is not a good way to build a relationship with list members. Give your members a chance to 'breathe' and sending daily emails will not accomplish this.
Send Test Email
It is always wise to send out a test email before releasing them to your lost members. You want to be sure all the links work and that they direct your reader to the location you intended. You also are giving yourself another chance to catch any formatting or grammatical errors you may have missed when you initially edited the email. What, you do not edit your email? Then it is suggested that you start doing so!
When it comes to email based marketing there is no one particularly effective style or method of making contact by email with your list. This is based mostly upon the personality and skill set of the individual email marketer. However that does not rule out the use of common sense when contacting list members. The 5 tips we covered here today are often overlooked resulting in a campaign that is long on effort and short on results. By paying closer attention to these details both you and the members of your email opt in list will benefit. Your business will grow as will the knowledge base of your list members from the useful information they are able to receive from you.