Building a Successful Email Based Marketing Campaign
An email based marketing campaign is one of the fastest ways to 'ramp' up your sales online. The key element to this type of campaign is your squeeze page which allows you to collect an email list of potential customers. Read further to see 5 things you can do to increase the effectiveness of your squeeze page resulting in more people joining your list.
Email based marketing is one of the fastest ways to accelerate the growth of any online company. It starts with capturing the contact information of any site visitor who joins your opt in list located on your squeeze page. The idea is to build a list of email addresses that you can promote to in ADDITION to any NEW traffic you may generate for your business. As you develop a sizable email list of potential customers it is important to maintain a 'regulated' pattern of contact with them to build a relationship.
This process sounds pretty simple and actually it is however you MUST follow 3 important rules in order for any of your promotional efforts to be effective.
Your Squeeze Page
Your Squeeze page is the first 'stepping stone' to building a list and internet visitors will decide whether they will join based upon their impression of this page.
Likely you will be offering a free gift in return for their contact information therefore your headline will reflect how this gift will affect your visitors. You may use shock,

humor or despair to get their attention but you do need to keep them reading.
The 'body' of this page should display 5 or 6 of the 'major' benefits visitors will experience if they leave their contact information.
Always 'remind' them to leave their information in the opt in box which should be prominently displayed on this page.
Avoid using too many graphics if any since they will only serve as a distraction and keep your messages very brief yet descriptive.
Your SOLE intention is to ONLY convince them to leave their contact information and that is it! Remember you are building a list here and NOT trying to sell anything on this page.
Do Not Suffocate Your List
Once someone joins your opt in list you immediately send out an email and thank them and of course send them their gift. After that regularly scheduled contact should be maintained be do not be too pushy with the sales tactics. You first want to develop a friendly relationship so that they trust you and do not feel pushed or compelled to buy anything.
Keep your contacts at set intervals but be careful not to 'smother' them with too many emails. Remember if they feel pushed or irritated they can opt out at any time so ease back and do not 'force' yourself or products on them.
Be Helpful
In order to make the most out of your list of email addresses get in the habit of sending out useful information to them. The more you can help them the stronger your 'bond' will be with them.
As you develop a good relationship with your list you will find that your marketing efforts will be much more effective. Just remember it is important to maintain this relationship and do not take your list members for granted.
Your email based marketing campaign is one of the fastest ways to accelerate sales growth online if done correctly. By collecting a list of email addresses from people on your squeeze page you can now promote directly to them. Having an email list of potential customers like this however requires the need to develop a trusting relationship with them. By following the 3 aforementioned rules we discussed above you should be able to effectively entice people to join your opt in list and successfully bond with them. Having done so your marketing efforts will dramatically improve provided your product selection fits their needs.