Create a folder in your folder ... This is where your inbox is located. If you do not see this list, go to your toolbar and click on View, then Folder ... click on "Outlook Today" in the
Create a folder in your folder list.
NOTE: This is where your inbox is located. If you do not see this list, go to your toolbar and click on View, then Folder List
Right click on "Outlook Today" in the folder list. It should have a plus or minus sign on the left of it. If it is a plus sign, click on the sign so that you can see the other folders
If you had to click on the sign, right click on "Outlook Today" again and continue to the next step
Click on "New Folder"
Type in the name of your new folder (example, if you want all mail from your mom going into a specific folder, name the folder Mom)
Make sure that the "Folder Contains" section is the "Mail and Post Items" selection
Click on OK. The new folder is listed in your folder list now
Click on the new folder you just created
NOTE: If the preview window appears, click View on your toolbar and click on Preview Pane to close this window. If you get a virus in an email and this window is enabled, the virus will automatically open and could destroy your computer.
On the toolbar click Tools, then Rules Wizard
Click on the "New" button
Click "Start from a blank rule"
Select "Check messages when they arrive" It may already be highlighted
Click Next
Scroll down and check "with specific words in the recipient's address"
In the last white box click on the words "specific words"
Type in the email address of the person or company you want automatically placed in this particular folder
when it arrives to your email account
Click on "Add", OK, and Next
Check the "move to specified folder"
In the bottom white box click the underlined text "specified folder"
Click on the new folder you created, OK, Next
Check "turn on this rule" if it is not checked
Click Finish
You're done!! Good Luck
Regina Stevens
Additional Resource For Job Leads
There are various resources for finding job leads. I have used job boards with email alerts (can't ever get the right jobs sent to me though), yellow pages, online and offline classifieds, and job forums. I have to use all of them together to find a few leads. There is one other resource I have recently added to the list - electronic newsletters that post company information. This is an excellent way to network and find job leads. Many companies don't post their open positions, so utilizing an electronic newsletter is a great way to find these job leads.Atlanta, Georgia IT Job Board - Information Technology Job Seekers - Atlanta
... ... Job Seekers - Atlanta (ITJSA) is a ... service based in Atlanta, Georgia. ITJSA was created to assist IT job seekers find ... jobs ... ... serviceThere Is Nothing Wrong With Using Wysiwyg Editors, If You Already Know How To Write Html
This article is not to persuade anyone to change their existing methods of producing websites, nor is it my intention to offend anyone. I wrote this article to defend people who like to use WYSIWYG editors.