The economy has crashed and each day it continues to smolder. Because of this it makes more sense than ever to take care of your business and save money wherever you can.
The tone of the email should not be to scare people, the economy has done that enough on its own. Instead, your newsletter should address the current situation and show ways that your company can help through the hard times. You will want the text to be compassionate, understanding, and to create a bond between the reader and your company. People are looking for a company that will understand what they are going through and you want to set yourself up as that company. Remember, if you make things sound really bad in your newsletter people will be less inclined to buy because they will get your unintended message that buying now is not a wise idea. You want to set up a different message that is that buying now from your company at a discount is the wisest move they could make.
Remember to make offers to your customers and subscribers. Let them know that you are feeling the pinch of the economy, too, and are there to offer some great deals that have never been offered before. Let people know how you are thanking them for their patronage and give them a discount if they order by a particular date or offer them a free gift. There are many ways to draw people in and when the economy is bad a discount is the best way to go about it.
Beyond simply saving money for your customers, you will be saving money for your business by using an autoresponder to send the email newsletter. It is incredible to calculate your costs for a year's worth of newsletters and then compare them with the cost of sending a newsletter through email. You will be amazed at the savings and will be able to use this money in the business or to give customers a bigger discount so they keep shopping.
Online Selling Start-up Guidelines
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