Getting Started with Opt-In Email Marketing
When you use opt in email addresses in most cases your email will arrive in their email inbox. Spam emails rarely make it through spam filters and as a result they don't really make a big difference in your bottom line.
If you have decided to promote your products and services through
opt-in email marketing then you will need to know how to get started. It's important to understand that by taking the opt-in email address route you are making the best decision for your product or service. Part of the reason is that when you use opt in email addresses the recipients will be knowledgeable of your product's name when the email arrives. This means that they are considerably more likely to open the email,

read it, and then make a purchase.
Similarly, when you use opt in email addresses in most cases your email will arrive in their email inbox. Spam emails rarely make it through spam filters and as a result they don't really make a big difference in your bottom line. So, getting started by using opt-in email marketing is an important way to set your campaign off to a good start.
Getting the Email Addresses
Once you are ready to get started with your opt-in addresses you need to figure out how to get the addresses. There are many methods you may use to collect email addresses. For example, you might want to set up a subscription box on your website so that visitors may voluntarily sign up for a free newsletter or periodic updates from your website. Many people will feel comfortable providing their email address when they are on your website because they have a vested interest. This means that they are interested in what you are providing whether it is information, a service, a product, or a combination of all of these.
Another method of collecting email addresses that is popular and seems to be a great way to go about it is to have popup windows on your site. For example, when someone visits your site a pop up window could be displayed that would request their email address if they want a free ebook, or a free newsletter, or perhaps even coupons for products or services. The way you word the ad is up to you, but it should be compelling enough that visitors will want to sign up and provide you with an email address that is valid.
Some email marketers have found that sponsoring a contest is an excellent way to collect valid email addresses because everyone wants to win something. Providing their email address for the chance of winning a prize is a small price to pay and one many people will more than happily do. Of course, there are many ways to collect email addresses and to get started in opt in email marketing. However, the methods discussed here should help you significantly and allow you to get a great start to email marketing.