Do you know how email marketing works for your Internet business to drive buyers to your site? If not, you do not have to worry. This article will provide information on email marketing which should be useful to any kind of online business.
Email marketing is not new and started when the Internet was introduced. Many business organizations still believe in advertising and direct in-person marketing and have not started to take advantage of this CRAZY marketing tool yet.
What is email marketing?
Sending mass emails (bulk email marketing) with product announcements,

service offerings, promotional materials, publishing and distributing e-newsletters and offering correspondence courses via email.
What benefits direct email marketing can achieve over other marketing options?
Ability to reach the worldwide audience without spending on advertisements. Some of the old traditional methods can still work; however email marketing is more powerful and reach directly to target users’ inbox.
Beware of SPAM issues
Email marketing sent to mass email ids can be viewed as spam. To avoid SPAM, send your emails to recipients who have interest in your products or services. AVOID sending emails to unknown emails those who are not expressed interest in receiving emails from you.
How to build email messages?
One of the first decisions you will have to make in email marketing is whether you wish to make your e-newsletter in text or HTML format. In most cases TEXT mails are better and SPAM FREE than HTML emails. You can design your e-newsletter using HTML with attractive graphics and links to attract your audiences.
Things to remember in your email marketing.
1. Time for your email delivery
Most of the emails should be delivered to your subscribers in the week days to get maximum benefits. However, personal user products like weight loss, health, beauty items, etc. and related emails must be delivered in the holidays to get more attention.
People will love to search these kind of products in the week ends at home, not at office.
2. Avoid Lengthy Email Contents
Try to reduce the email content in order to deliver fast and also to improve readers count.
Make simple and clear text message with link to your site regarding the announcement.
3. Text messages are simple and fast
Email Marketing best practices is to avoid SPAM and reaching recipients’ inbox. Text emails are faster than HTML emails and may avoid many SPAM issues.
4. Avoid attachments
Many email clients will not allow attachments while receiving and may mark such email as SPAM or move to JUNK folders. You need to avoid attachments to reach your subscribers’ inbox.
5. Avoid SPAM filter words in your message
Avoid SPAM filtered words in your article to reach your audiences.
Some of the more commonly used phrases that ISPs and mail clients filter out include:
Act Now!
All New
All Natural
Avoid Bankruptcy
As Seen On…
Buy Direct
Consolidate Your Debt
Special Promotion
Easy Terms
Get Paid
Guarantee, Guaranteed
Great offer
Give it away, Giving it away
Join millions
Meet Singles
No cost, No fees Offer
One time
Online pharmacy
Online marketing
Order Now
Please Read
Don't Delete
Save up to
Time limited
Unsecured debt or credit
Visit our web site
While Supplies last
Why pay more?
Work at home
You've been selected
50% off!
Click Here
Call now!
Earn $
Eliminate Debt
Double your income
You're a Winner!
Reverses Aging
Multi level Marketing
Million Dollars
Cash Bonus
Promise You
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Serious Cash
Search Engine Listings
6. Build your email list
You must always use your confirmed opt-in email list to send an email. You need to build your email list from your online subscription system or trial downloads. You can also ask permission during forum registration and other sign up process of your site.
For more details about email marketing and software solutions, visit
Good luck for your Internet marketing success !