Getting a ton of email a day can have it's positive side
I don't know about you but I get at least 100+ emails a day from people try to ram down my throat that their product is so good that I should be the next in line to buy.
I used to get sick and tied of all this junk coming into my inbox that I even have chnaged my email accounts 3 or 4 times.
However can learn so much from this mail ..I'll explain why.
What these guys are doing is marketing the the masses. There are a whole bunch of great ideas to look out for in these mails it just a matter of filtering these out and using the best bits.
Here's what I do.
1st I look at the "Eye Catching Subject" line...This is the are that makes you open the mail in the first place.Think to yourself next time you go through your inbox "What was it that made me open this mail"
Start collecting these headlines on a word or excel document.
2nd The all important headline is the next that has grabbed your attention....Note these down and save.
3rd What is it the body of the email that makes you think ...humm that looks interesting I must go and find out more.
4th In general steer well away from anyone who hasn't got a true domain name. I don'r want to see affiliate links. you have this data what?
Right you have now the power that has taken months even years for top Internet marketers to generate.
Use this in your own email campaign or sales letter come to that.
You have now the capability to get sales.
Don't get me wrong I would not go out word for word on what you have in your inbox, just simply use the concept or idea and mix it all around.
I hope this has been of some use.
The Top Reasons of Why Video Marketing Works
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