Learning to Optimize Your Email Contact List
Having an email contact list is a tremendous way to boost your marketing effectiveness but only if managed properly! Read on to see 5 simple tips to help you make the most of these customer contacts in a way which everybody benefits!
Having an email contact list is a tremendous way to boost your marketing effectiveness but only if managed properly! When people voluntarily join your list you can send them product offers directly through email which is a huge advantage in terms of working efficiently online! However if you don't make the most of these customer contacts by building relationships or properly composing your messages you won't get the best results! The 5 following tips will help you take full advantage of these direct customer contacts while also allowing your list members to benefit as well!
Be Descriptive
Don't make people guess what your trying to say or assume they share your excitement! Clearly explain the points you're trying to make and exactly why your readers should be excited! Remember your customer contacts are for the purpose of conveying a message so use your words wisely to do so!
Be Brief
Another thing you can do to increase the chances your entire email is read and not discarded is to keep it as brief as possible! Whether you're making product offers or simply passing along information get to the point because if people see a lot of text they're likely to just close and delete your message! Think in terms of emailing being like using Twitter,

use as few characters as possible to deliver what it is you want to say!
Be Helpful
Give list members a reason to open your emails and you won' to be doing this by flooding their in-box with product offers ether! Offer help, tips, advise and otherwise useful information and do so frequently to help build both trust and loyalty with your mailing recipients! These people can unsubscribe at anytime so don't give them a reason to do so by always 'asking' for a sale! Make them happy and appreciative they're on your list by being helpful more times than not and your marketing effectiveness will benefit as a result!
Be Understandable
Be clear on what you are saying and speak the universal language everybody understands which is plain and simple! Lose the slang and the PhD vocabulary since here too it's just an email and folks will NOT take the time to figure out what you're saying!
Be Consistent Not Overbearing
Let your subscribers know you'll be making regular contact and then follow through accordingly however don't clutter up their in-box! By suffocating people with too many messages you'll succeed in frustrating them or even compel them to unsubscribe! Give them space and limit your regularly scheduled customer contacts to a few times weekly unless you have some time sensitive information to share!
Making the most of your email contact list when working online goes far beyond simply sending out product offers! Making direct customer contacts like this using email is a privilege that when managed correctly can significantly boost your marketing effectiveness online! The 5 tips offered above serve to help you build relationships with list members while also learning to properly compose any message you do send! By recognizing your responsibilities as the marketer and better serving these people they will likely be more receptive to your product offers when you do make them!