Should You Offer Newsletters in HTML and Text?
Would you like that in plain text or html? Today, the vast majority of people prefer html emails. They are more attractive and overall they are easier to read. However, that is not to say text can be just as effective.
You have probably signed up for a newsletter before only to have a question presented to you. Would you like that in plain text or html? Today,

the vast majority of people prefer html emails. They are more attractive and overall they are easier to read. Many email marketers were previously of the camp of thought that subscribers should be given an option and allowed to choose between html and text. The reasoning behind this was that there was a big enough core of subscribers that wanted plain text that it was worth the effort. Today’s research shows otherwise. In fact, it shows that people are more likely to respond positively to
HTML newsletters, emails, or other marketing material. When you give subscribers the choice between the two you will not only have to keep up with two different formats, but you will also need to keep track of which one is better. This relates to more work than is necessary and a whole lot more stressing. In today’s environment it truly is unnecessary to give readers a chance to choose. That just doesn’t make sense when readers may not fully understand the difference of the other and choose whichever they see first.
It truly is important to choose an HTML email newsletter or other marketing material without giving readers the choice. They will appreciate the HTML email more because it is graphically appealing and helps viewers take in the information in a better and more suited way.
Of course, another reason to use HTML in your emails is that it allows you to track the methods to see which one is putting up a fight. In most cases the plain text emails will flounder and may not even beemaled at all.
HTML is also beneficial in emails because it puts the email in charge of turning over sales. This is truly effective after the marketer knows how to handle it. It’s when plain text is used and the email marketer is brand new that this won’t be successful. In fact, put it plain and simple. If you had to read the email from some email marketers in HTML would you choose to do so? Or, if you had to email someone in the office as well as someone out of the office would you consider html or text? Most people think they would go for HTML Up front and that is truly the best option when it comes to marketing emails.