American Retro is known for providing toys for a modern way of having fun. Confused? Read on to be enlightened.
Judging from the name itself, it’s easy to see what the inspiration of American Retro is. Being retro, most people would safely assume that it’s old-fashioned. They also have a slogan saying that they’re bringing back the best of the 1940’s and the 1950’s so everyone would think that they’ll find really old toys.
Take a look at their toys and you’ll be a believer. It’s true that they’re bringing back the best of 2 old decades. They’re known for their pedal cars and all you need to do is to take a look at the available designs and you’ll instantly see why they’re retro-inspired. Here are some of their available pedal cars.
1. Classic Pedal Fire Truck
A bright red fire truck from way before complete with manual ladders.
2. Classic Pedal Airplane
There are no turbo engines here. There’s just a rotor at the front that you would have to manually spin initially in order to make it run if it was a real plane.
3. Classic Pedal Racer
These racers don’t look like the F1 cars or Japanese imports that people race nowadays.
4. Classic Pedal Jalopy
The well-loved design that’s still popular nowadays thanks to Archie comics is making a comeback.
If everything is so old-fashioned, you have to wonder why some people are saying that they’re actually toys for a modern way of having fun. You see, American Retro is a believer in mixing the old with the new. Take a look at the shiny designs. Apart from the design, everything else is modern. This can help make sure that the pedal cars have everything that they need to remain safe, durable and fun.
Also, the mere fact that they’re pedal cars is also modern. This is because it’s only recently when parents started believing the benefits that they bring especially with the physical development of their kids. Now that parents are looking for toys that can help their kids with their physical development, pedal cars are now becoming more and more popular. You can think of it as exercising while playing which is a fairly modern concept.
What about the bubble clocks? American Retro is also bringing back the well-loved bubble clocks that used to be a staple in delis, hardware stores, grocery stores and the likes. It’s good to know that the company is staying true to the design so kids nowadays are still exposed to them. However, parents nowadays are more aware of the fact that they need to improve their kids’ playrooms to make them more conducive for fun. They now know that the overall look of the playroom is very important to ensure that their kids are having fun. With decorations like these bubble clocks, you’ll never go wrong in putting up a fun-looking playroom.
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