Are You Getting Better At Buying Gifts?
Some people undoubtedly struggle when they come to buy gifts for others. If you're in this unfortunate position, then you may have simply chosen to accept that this is the way of the world. There may also be a sense, however, that things should change.
Deep down,

you probably take a fairly realistic approach to such struggles. It's likely that you're already aware of the problem and that you may even be trying to deal with it. There may even be an appreciation of the fact that things seem to be improving.
One of the difficulties that you may have could be associated with finding out whether this is really the case. Are things actually getting better, or do you just like to convince yourself of this appearance? It can certainly be difficult to know, particularly since few recipients will be prepared to let you know exactly what they think of your choices.
You may, however, pick up on disappointed reactions and expressions that seem to suggest that you have not made the right choices. It's also likely that you'll have an awareness of the fact that you sometimes make last minute decisions. This is the main cause of so many difficulties in this area.
If you persist with making the same mistake again and again, then it seems clear that you simply can't help to improve the situation. You'll continue to make poor choices and you may well find that you continue to disappoint those around you. When stuck in such a position, it's so important to take genuine, positive action.
This means accepting that there is a problem and looking at ways to deal with it. So what are the options that are available? Ultimately, you'll need to become a lot more organised. It's not realistic to think that you can shop at the last minute and that you should expect to make great decisions.
The problem with last minute shopping is that it almost inevitably leads to you reducing your options. In the ideal world, you should actually be looking to keep the search broad, in order to ensure that you can carefully make relevant, personal choices. By being more organised, you will also have the time to talk to other people about your choices.
You don't need to be ashamed about the fact that you aren't very good at gift shopping. You do need, however, to start thinking about the improvements that you could make. As you become better at buying gifts, you'll feel better about yourself and will also find that you are likely to become considerably more popular with others.